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tootsci 180 posts

@NorthernLass My experience with Vueling is that it’s basically a yellow EasyJet. I’ve been using them for my regular weekend trips LGW-AGP for some winter sun, going out on the late night Friday flight after work and back on Sunday or Monday

I have paid for upfront seats a couple of times – passport control queue at AGP can be awful late Fri night so wanted to be off the plane quick. The upfront seats allegedly have more space but I can’t say I’ve noticed. I have been under-seat hand baggage only so can’t comment on checked luggage or overhead locker space. For two flights I got an email asking for volunteers to take an alternate flight, with the incentive increasing to €200 flight credit the day before, but in the end it wasn’t required either time (I overheard someone presenting themselves at the gate as a volunteer but they were told all was fine).

Can’t recall having any significant delays, I think no more than half an hour or an hour on one or two flights perhaps. Buy on-board catering is pretty standard, cabin crew have been fine.

It’s a bonus to collect some Avios on what is basically a LCC, but have never used the Avios for a redemption ticket. Have amended one ticket when I needed to and paid the difference, when I couldn’t fly at all one time I just wrote the ticket off as it was more expensive to amend to a later date than buy a new one.

If there’s anything specific you want to know let me know

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