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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Cancelling an Avios flight – process changed?

  • Geoggy 60 posts


    I’ve just cancelled an Avios 241 BA voucher flight. Usually it tells you the refund amount and the points & voucher appear back in your account pretty quickly.

    Has this changed?

    At the end it said the request has been submitted and now I am to wait?

    Any idea how long as I want to rebook some flights that are showing available with that voucher?

    SamG 1,893 posts

    Sometimes this seems to happen. If you don’t see the value you should call in instead if you need the Avios/vouchers back rather than completing online.

    I think though if you call in now they’ll still be able to do it

    PeteM 921 posts

    It’s normally because there’s been some changes on the booking and human input is needed to cancel the booking.

    rams 281 posts

    Did you do this in the app or on a web browser? I cancelled 2 single fights last April. I found in the app it happened as you said and via computer it automatically refunded.

    alexb 50 posts

    I have been waiting 6 days for my avios and refund

    Gavin454 180 posts

    This happened to me a few days ago too, annoyingly. It was a JAL redemption with £0 cash component. Now expecting to wait several weeks/months for the refund to be processed manually.

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