Bits: 10% Diamond Club discount on British Airways flights, Heathrow minicab misbehaviour
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News in brief:
10% Diamond Club discount for British Airways flights ends
If you have one of the old bmi Diamond Club credit cards, you probably remember receiving a letter in March 2015 telling you about changes to the earning rates.
There was also a mention in that letter saying that the 10% Diamond Club discount on British Airways flights was going end in 15 months. You probably skimmed over that at the time, but those 15 months have now passed. As of 31st May, the link to the 10% discount link on is dead.
Heathrow planning to curb ‘anti social’ minicab behaviour
There has, apparently, been a substantial rise in ‘anti-social’ behaviour by minicab drivers at Heathrow in recent months. There has been a customer switch from black cabs to Uber and its equivalents, not just on cost grounds but also for comfort. This has led to more and more minicab drivers waiting near the airport for a job.
This would all be fine except that the lack of toilet facilities, parking facilities and waste bins has led to issues for local residents. They were, apparently, finding the occasional present from a minicab driver in their garden.
During June, Heathrow is opening a special facility for minicab drivers called the Authorised Vehicle Area. It will have portable toilets, rubbish bins and drinks vending machines.
(There is already a Taxi Feeder Park at Heathrow which has its own wi-fi equipped canteen and washing facilities. Minicab drivers won’t get anything this good.)
This facility will not be free. Heathrow is, however, pushing Uber and its competitors to not allow any driver who is not in the Authorised Vehicle Area to accept a pick-up. This is likely to lead to a surcharge being added to Uber bills at Heathrow to cover the cost of entering the waiting area.
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