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Coronavirus: India suspends all tourist visas, including issued ones, from 13th March

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I thought we might get through the day without a coronavirus announcement, but it’s not going to happen.

India has just announced that ALL tourist visas will be suspended on 13th March.  

For clarity, this covers existing visas as well as ones which are currently being processed.  If you have a visa, it is no longer valid.

Visas will not be reinstated until 15th April.

In addition, all incoming travellers, including Indian nationals, arriving from or having visited China, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, France, Spain and Germany after 15th February 2020 will be quarantined for at least 14 days.  This will also come into effect on 13th March.

Comments (50)

This article is closed to new comments. Feel free to ask your question in the HfP forums.

  • MT says:

    Another 50% Avios sale from BA until 22nd March. Since there is actually availability to some cool places, might be worth a top-up, but then again cash tickets are soooo cheap right now.

    • Anna says:

      If you’re planning to travel in the next few weeks , be aware peak Avios pricing is just around the corner for Easter, so maybe top up your Avios stash for later and take advantage of the cheap cash prices plus Avios and tier points you’ll get.

  • Shoestring says:

    Schools – I can’t see UK schools staying open even until the end of next week. My best idea of timing: midweek next week.

    ie add on a week before Easter hols and a week after plus a few extra days (state school timing).

    ie closed something like 18 March – 19 April.

    Let’s see how that plays out 🙂

    • Anna says:

      My son’s school doesn’t break up until April 9th; he would be overjoyed if it closed down next week! I’ve told him I expect lessons to be delivered via Skype.

    • Paul says:

      That’s the view of schools too. 4 week closure from the middle to end of next week. Doesn’t matter when the schools actually break up as 4 weeks covers them all and limits impact on GCSE and A levels

      • Anna says:

        Except Modern Language spoken exams which are before the Easter holidays!

      • Shoestring says:

        Italy latest decree: all shops – barring supermarkets, food stores and chemists – will be shut down, while companies must close all their departments that are not essential to production.

        well – that worked in China! – I guess it’s only for a couple of weeks

  • Dominic says:

    Denmark also now quarantining a number of countries, and closing down many public services.

  • meta says:

    Just got an email from BA which says the following:

    « Yours sincerely,
    Alex Cruz
    Chairman and CEO »

    • Alex Sm says:

      What’s wrong about it?

      • meta says:

        Nothing displayed apart from the signature. However, now I’ve looked closely, there is a small text with a link to the actual message. A case of bad formatting, I guess.

        In terms of the message, nothing that already hasn’t been reported here….🙄

      • Genghis says:

        I initially thought it was spam, “Dear Valued Customer”. But they know my name, they even put my avios balance at the bottom.

  • Corona says:

    Donald Trump announces suspension of all travel from Europe to the US for 30 days. The travel restrictions will not apply to the United Kingdom.

  • Dan Beverley says:

    Can anyone advise further on this. The area in question for me is the cut off time. Is this cut off time based on departure from port or arrival in India? Hope someone can help. Thanks

    • Rob says:

      You need to read the official press release which we link to and base your decision on that.

  • Sunita. says:

    This has to be done to contain it.
    Everyone stays where they are , till the threat blows away.

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