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Forums Frequent flyer programs Virgin Flying Club Virgin voucher 75k points – how does it work in practice Reply To: Virgin voucher 75k points – how does it work in practice

chrishond 61 posts

I think it’s more complicated. The way the new pricing works, when you go to book the return legs (and I take as given you have 4 vouchers to redeem and are using them tp upgrade a class?) the phone agent will re-price the entire itinerary. So you actually don’t even know if your “up to 75K” voucher is any good to you till the return leg pricing is available.

Furthermore, with booking for 4 on 4 separate vouchers, it is possible that one or more tickets exhaust the price the agent initially sees. Such that ticket 3 might price at a different higher rate.

I only have 1 voucher. Looking to get at least 1 of the 4 flight tickets for “free”

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