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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Paid for PE & BA holiday in Dubai for Jan: guess how much to upgrade? Reply To: Paid for PE & BA holiday in Dubai for Jan: guess how much to upgrade?

Cranzle 333 posts

*This is also a classic example of why someone should take the Barclays upgrade voucher and not 7k avios!

Not really, as you can’t use in the same manner described by the OP. Obviously the BA fans on here will claim it’s really easy to use and they use it every year. I mean it’s so ‘easy’ to use that I’ll leave this quote here by a certain Rob Burgess (aka Raffles) “Let’s get one thing clear. THIS. IS. NOT. AN. UPGRADE. VOUCHER. I call it an upgrade voucher. Barclays calls it an upgrade voucher. It is NOT an upgrade voucher.”

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