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LD27 431 posts

@Man of Kent – your updated trip report is really helpful. Sounds like you had a good trip. A friend and I are flying to Madeira very soon at the start of an island hopping tour via the Canaries and mainland Spain, to the Balearics, from where we fly home. Surprisingly, neither of us has been to any of these islands. I’m flying from LGW which I know very well and can get a lift to or bus there, but my friend lives just north of Manchester, so LGW is a bit of a pain. I haven’t flown from LGW since last summer and didn’t make it to the lounge on that occasion as I had issues with my ticket and only just made the flight as the gate was closing. It will be interesting to see what improvements have been made. I’ve always felt it superior to the Galleries lounges at LHR.

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