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tootsci 166 posts

So there ya go, a reply from Royal Jordanian re the Gold Sparrow renewal requirements, clear as mud.
They still haven’t addressed whether there’s a difference in required segments (26 or 30) between an “earned” GS and a “status matched” GS, so I guess I’ll have to email them again for clarification.

Dear Mr. ****,
Greetings from Royal Club Members Services Team

Kindly note that to maintain your Gold Sparrow tier, all you need is to earn 30,000 tier miles or 26 segments over 12 months, What ever you have reached first your tier will be maintained noting that we have a minimum segment should be collected to be qualified for the maintain in case your earned the tier miles first as the below.

Flights eligible for Tier Miles are (a) RJ Flights; and (b) oneworld alliance flights.
Minimum RJ flight for Silver tier qualification or maintenance is 4.
Minimum RJ flights for Gold tier qualification or maintenance is 10.
Minimum RJ flights for Platinum tier qualification or maintenance is 20

Members Services Team

They used to have the requirement of minimum segments flown on RJ but it was reported on various travel sites as no longer required at the end of last year? I also can’t find in my own reading of the Ts&Cs. Would you double check on that point for us all please when you email? My carefully crafted plan for the next 5 months may unravel if true!

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