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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club BA sold out CW/PE on HND redemption – should I be worried about downgrade? Reply To: BA sold out CW/PE on HND redemption – should I be worried about downgrade?

AndrewT 564 posts

There are also plenty of people who get downgraded who are not using a 241, so that proves nothing. The relevant statistics would be the numbers of downgrades vs total number of tickets for each type, which of course will never be available.

Someone did post recently the priority order for selecting downgrade victims, sorry candidates, which seemed entirely sensible.

At the end of the day when downgrades become necessary, it’s common sense to pick the ‘least valuable’ customers. That would put 241’s with no status near the top of the list, because by implication they haven’t spent much money recently and so may not in future either.

One answer to the original question is that there isn’t really much point worrying about what may happen if you can’t change it.

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