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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Anyone using a browser extension for BA shopping

  • masaccio 1,002 posts

    Does anyone have a recommendation for a browser extension, ideally for Safari, that flags when a website is on the BA shopping portal? I haven’t developed the reflex to go there and check first unless it’s for hotels so having tech assist my laziness would be helpful.

    VinZ 216 posts

    I don’t think it exists, but nowadays I prefer using Topcashback. Much more reliable than BA shopping. I’m avios rich so I can’t bring myself to having to fight over a bucnh of avios every single time. Apart from Apple which is quite reliable, the rest are just bad.

    I use BA shopping when TCB doesn’t offer a deal. I’ve been waiting for avios to be credited for almost a year now. In the meantime Clos19 shut down so I’m not even sure I will see my 6,000+ avios for that transaction… just bad!

    masaccio 1,002 posts

    I don’t think it exists

    They do for Chrome browsers though they’re typically linked to a particular voucher/cashback scheme rather than surfacing opportunities across multiple accounts. I swear I saw one that covered BA and Revpoints, but I just can’t find it anymore.

    I use BA shopping when TCB doesn’t offer a deal. I’ve been waiting for avios to be credited for almost a year now. In the meantime Clos19 shut down so I’m not even sure I will see my 6,000+ avios for that transaction… just bad!

    Perhaps we just shop in different places, or perhaps is browser settings but I’ve found BA shopping reliable of late. I typically get a “Thank you for shopping through British Airways” email pretty quickly indicating it’s been logged.

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