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Forums Payment cards American Express BA Premium Plus 60k sign up bonus

  • sturgeon 287 posts

    I’ve noticed this has appeared on the BA shopping portal, haven’t seen this mentioned elsewhere. It requires £6k spend across 3 months.

    -Is this the highest sign up offer they typically have?
    -can you add on a referral to this to earn slightly more than 60k or is this not possible as you must sign up via the shopping portal link?

    BBbetter 1,241 posts

    You cannot add a referral onto this offer.

    This is among the highest we have seen.

    Edit: a note that some used to complain that they weren’t awarded the signup bonus. So please don’t navigate to any other page or block ads or cookies etc.

    Caps44 113 posts

    Just saw it also, we were waiting for an offer like this, so that my wife can apply and then I can cancel mine. Shame we can’t get the referral on it!

    CabbageHead 7 posts

    I’ve got my 60k points in the Avios account now. Can I cancel the card and keep the points? I’ve searched the T&Cs and can’t see anything. Just wondering if people more clever than me have seen a restriction?
    The reason is I’m moving away from BA following their recent changes and I’m moving overseas in the next few months.

    strickers 1,025 posts

    Such a shame about the income requirements or Mrs S would be applying today!

    Rui N. 1,013 posts

    Offer running until 25 February.

    leggyblonde 31 posts

    Presume it’s the normal £35k income requirement and there are still pro-rata cancellation fees?

    BBbetter 1,241 posts

    I’ve got my 60k points in the Avios account now. Can I cancel the card and keep the points? I’ve searched the T&Cs and can’t see anything. Just wondering if people more clever than me have seen a restriction?
    The reason is I’m moving away from BA following their recent changes and I’m moving overseas in the next few months.

    Yes, you can cancel and get a pro rata refund.

    GiddyKipper 10 posts

    I’m going around in circles. Click link from BA homepage, log in as requested and transferred to the BA shopping portal. Loads of info re the card etc. but absolutely no link to apply. Tried numerous times on different browsers with same result!

    Anyone else having the same issue or know of how to resolve?

    sturgeon 287 posts

    I’m going around in circles. Click link from BA homepage, log in as requested and transferred to the BA shopping portal. Loads of info re the card etc. but absolutely no link to apply. Tried numerous times on different browsers with same result!

    Anyone else having the same issue or know of how to resolve?

    I haven’t tried on desktop but on mobile after logging in there’s a blue ‘apply now’ button on the page, not sure why you can’t see it.

    GiddyKipper 10 posts

    I’m going around in circles. Click link from BA homepage, log in as requested and transferred to the BA shopping portal. Loads of info re the card etc. but absolutely no link to apply. Tried numerous times on different browsers with same result!

    Anyone else having the same issue or know of how to resolve?

    I haven’t tried on desktop but on mobile after logging in there’s a blue ‘apply now’ button on the page, not sure why you can’t see it.

    Tried both mobile and desktop repeatedly. No blue ‘apply now’ button anywhere to be seen. Beyond frustrating!!

    SteveCroydon 102 posts

    Yes, this is the usual BA IT crap. I use Firefox and the link doesn’t appear. I’ve just tried on Edge and the link doesn’t appear. In Edge I also got the awful new NX black version of, which defaulted me to being in Singapore/English despite being UK/English. Every link on takes you to the shopping portal, which DOESN’T HAVE THE LINK!!!
    Yesterday I did get into the application page, but I can’t remember how – probably just a random error in BA’s IT!

    If anyone can find how to make this work, then please post details here. I’m an IT man and have tried every angle of attack but to no avail.

    One last search found this direct link to American Express:

    It shows the three current enhanced offers for Amex cards. It clearly states offer ending 25th February 2025, so it’s not an old offer page.

    I recommend anyone applying to take screenshots of the pages mentioning the enhanced SUB. There have been many cases reported on HfP when people don’t get the correct no of Avios. Amex then deny that you used the correct link.

    SteveCroydon 102 posts

    I’ve found out how to link directly from BAEC to the AMEX signup page without going via the BA shopping website, which doesn’t work.

    In the old style BAEC pages, click on the coloured bar (blue/bronze/silver/gold) and get to the “Welcome to Your Executive Club” page. scroll down and you see “Your Dashboard” with Avios, Household Avios, Tier Points and Vouchers. Next comes “Suggested for You” with the Amex offer immediately below. The “Apply Now” link goes straight to the Amex page I listed in my previous post above.

    To get to the welcome page, use this link after you have signed-in:

    Hopefully this will get away from the new black NX pages, which don’t seem to work for anything.

    Good luck!

    Reney 853 posts

    Rob is there anything better coming before I sign up?

    truthbetold 193 posts

    Terms now say NO introductory bonus if you had any personal Amex card in last 2 years. Not allowed to have if you had a plain card. This is a change I think

    George K 334 posts

    Doesn’t look like that to me. This is what I see

    This new Cardmember offer is only available if you have not held a personal British Airways American Express® Card within the previous 24 months. If you have held a personal British Airways American Express Card within the previous 24 months, you will be entitled to all other Card benefits, excluding the welcome offer.

    truthbetold 193 posts

    Doesn’t that wording mean exactly the same as what I wrote/paraphrased?

    George K 334 posts

    If by ‘plain card’ you meant the free BA Amex, then yes you won’t be able to get a bonus if you’ve had it in the past two years. That’s not new.

    If by ‘plain card’ you meant any other personal non-BA Amex card (like the Gold, Platinum, Nectar, Harrods etc), then you will be able to get a bonus.

    Rui N. 1,013 posts

    Doesn’t that wording mean exactly the same as what I wrote/paraphrased?

    No, it’s totally different. You said you wouldn’t receive the bonus if you had any Amex card (which would be new). As George said, the terms say that you couldn’t have had the BAPP or the free BA card. That’s not new.

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