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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Cancellation fees on Avios bookings

  • tomahawk 88 posts

    If I fly from, say, LHR-Rio de Janeiro direct on an avios booking and cancel then it costs £35 per leg i.e.£70 total. If I did the same flight but on Iberia transiting through Madrid (not stopping over) then would the cancellation fee be 4x£35 as there are now 4 flights involved?

    NorthernLass 10,516 posts

    The cancellation fee is not charged per legs but per bookings, so if the whole journey was on PNR you’d still only be charged £35 pp to cancel.

    I think the IB cancellation fee is usually lower, but not sure if this is the case if you book via BA.

    tomahawk 88 posts

    I don’t think I have been clear enough actually. I meant a return journey from London to Rio – if that was direct then I believe its 2x£35? (i.e. one flight there and one flight back) – or have I got this wrong?

    NorthernLass 10,516 posts

    Again, if it’s one PNR, you only pay one set of cancellation fees! Many people book this route as 2 x one-way, however, to benefit from lower taxes.

    tomahawk 88 posts

    OK. Thanks NorthernLass

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