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  • TicknBash 59 posts

    Just had a marketing email from Qatar – Convert Revpoint to Avios 1:1.

    Don’t have Revolut so not really sure the value of 1 Revpoint or what sort of transactions generates Revpoints.

    Any opinions or thoughts ?

    lippythunder 2 posts

    If you have the Ultra plan you earn 1 Revpoint per £1 on spend which I find competitive enough. The underrated feature IMO is using Shops (their in-app shopping cashback portal) which has high multipliers (goes up to 20x sometimes) on a number of useful retailers (including Apple, Samsung, Amazon also shows up from time to time). That alongside some of the bundled memberships (FT/ClassPass/Uber One/Turo) and some other features justify the plan fee to me.

    sturgeon 287 posts

    Revolut limit your points earning to only £2.5k spend per month. Very low and unnecessarily limiting for a debit card with a £45 monthly fee (assuming ultra as other tiers don’t earn 1 point per £). Just use Amex or BC for a far better rate and lower fee.

    memesweeper 1,548 posts

    Ultra comes with some perks — like Dragon Pass, Nord VPN and FT subscription — which, if you use them, might make it worthwhile for you. Ultra just for points earning is hard to justify unless you are confident of regularly spending at a high multiplier retailer, online *and* you remember to click through in the Revolut app first. This month Virgin Atlantic is at 20x, which could be very useful for some. But it could be 5x or 1x next month. You do not need to purchase on your phone, but you do need to click through on the phone first for bonuses on spend. Why, I have no idea. Just don’t forget.

    There’s a 14 day free trial for anyone who is on the fence with Revolut, and I’m happy to share my referral code here if anyone requests it. There is no long term commitment AFAIK.

    andy_shf 23 posts

    Revolut limit your points earning to only £2.5k spend per month. Very low and unnecessarily limiting for a debit card with a £45 monthly fee (assuming ultra as other tiers don’t earn 1 point per £). Just use Amex or BC for a far better rate and lower fee.

    That limit only applies to points boosts on their “Shops” portal.

    If you had a £2500 virgin spend coming up, currently you would get 52,500 points for that purchase alone. I’m sure abuse was rife before they placed a cap on it.

    dshunter 87 posts

    Since they’ve added uber one, this is looking more interesting. I can probably squeeze around 30-40 pounds worth of value out of the subscriptions alone, and the cashback from amazon and a few others looks decent. Given I’m likely to be giving up my virgin card, this might be a good replacement.

    I’m presuming it is not possible to double dip on cashback, or are you? I am already a revolut member so not sure I can get the 14 day trial, but happy to take a referral if it does.

    lippythunder 2 posts

    As nice as it is of you to offer, unfortunately I don’t think the upgrade process allows for a referral if you already have an account (the app just sees it as an addon/paid extra rather than a different account/card)

    Re: double dip Airtime Rewards works fine but I don’t think cashback portals like TCB would work as it seems to use the same redirect mechanism, and so far the Shops points has been better value for me compared to the rest. Could definitely be proven wrong though!

    dshunter 87 posts

    Looks like some of the shops links don’t say you need cookies enabled and some do. Sadly Virgin is one of the latter.

    masaccio 1,006 posts

    Revolut limit your points earning to only £2.5k spend per month. Very low and unnecessarily limiting for a debit card with a £45 monthly fee (assuming ultra as other tiers don’t earn 1 point per £). Just use Amex or BC for a far better rate and lower fee.

    Shops 20:1 in on other tiers too. I’m in the lowest tier that gives unlimited Fx which is £7.99 a month. And if you can trigger 20:1, that’s 50k Avios.

    Like Platinum, you need to figure out whether the fee is worth it. For me, the bundled memberships are worthless so I have a lower tier and I don’t use it for every day spend.

    dshunter 87 posts

    Oh I read the shops ratio as 20:1 of your base earning rate. Anyway easy to try.

    masaccio 1,006 posts

    Oh I read the shops ratio as 20:1 of your base earning rate. Anyway easy to try.

    Ah yes, you are right. So would be 12/£ for me.

    I’ve only recently started to take note of the other Revolut benefits as the main one for me is currency conversion as I am largely paid in USD which I appreciate is a bit niche.

    But I do need a new iPhone soon so will use the card as BA is only 5/£.

    Lobeer 6 posts

    The other very nice thing about revolut shops points (vs others) is how fast they post, pretty much right after the transaction clears out of pending.

    dshunter 87 posts

    Agreed Lobeer

    Test transaction at amazon – I got both the base points plus bonus (multiple of base, sadly, as expected) as soon as amazon shipped. This seems like a great way to get a discount at amazon without faffing around with giftcards.

    andy_shf 23 posts

    BA Avios transfers are boosted to 1.2 per RevPoint until 16/02.

    Might be a good time to do your transfers if you have a large pot.

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