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Forums Payment cards American Express Cruise cover with Amex business platinum ?

  • kipto 14 posts

    Anyone know whether the insurance with the business platinum card covers cruises ? No mention on the certificate. Cruise company wants proof that cruise cover is shown on the policy.

    JDB 6,256 posts

    I’m not sure that your cruise company will accept a response to your post as proof of anything. As the certificate and policy document are silent re cruise cover, you will need to contact Amex to get either something formal to satisfy your cruise company or ascertain that you need additional cover.

    Ian 90 posts

    Which cruise line are you using?

    I have never been asked that in probably 50 plus cruises over the years.

    I doubt that Amex would cover the charges made by the ship medic anyway.

    But as above ask Amex directly and then let us know.

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