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  • RonnieB 374 posts

    ANyone else get an invite to join this IHG consumer panel? What’s the benefit of doing so other than helping IHG for free – it mentions points but it’s not clear what you might get for helping out. Is it a waste of my time?

    davefl 1,999 posts

    I’m on the Hilton one which has the smae name. They pay out in USD per activity which is mostly answering very biased questionnaires about how I feel about hilton marketing or product features.

    In 4 years I’ve earnt about $50 which can be traded in for a variety of US retail gift cards or a couple of UK ones such as a preloaded visa debit.

    Payable surveys (betwen $1 and $5) come every couple of months, in between there are others with a prize draw at the end of £100.

    Lula 227 posts

    I received an invite the other day and did the initial sign up. I was then further invited to complete a welcome exercise which appeared to involve me recording an introductory video. I couldn’t be bothered so doubt I’ll be taking part.

    tw33ty 197 posts

    anyone ever had points for this actually post to their account?

    kat696 2 posts

    I received an invite, filled in all the initial information (some of it was quite personal and intrusive). I then reached the final page of the survey, that stated I fit the profile and congratulations I may join the panel. I was then prompted to accept the terms and conditions, which I did. It then abruptly showed me a message saying the quota is full, I can try again in the future, goodbye.
    I was left baffled and felt like it was a scam to just take all my personal info. I’m really annoyed.

    Blair Waldorf Salad 1,366 posts

    I received an invite, filled in all the initial information (some of it was quite personal and intrusive). I then reached the final page of the survey, that stated I fit the profile and congratulations I may join the panel. I was then prompted to accept the terms and conditions, which I did. It then abruptly showed me a message saying the quota is full, I can try again in the future, goodbye.
    I was left baffled and felt like it was a scam to just take all my personal info. I’m really annoyed.

    Individuals have the right to have their personal data erased if:

    the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose which you originally collected or processed it for;
    you are relying on consent as your lawful basis for holding the data, and the individual withdraws their consent;

    If they’re not using your consent, you can still object to their processing and achieve the same end.

    Send your email to

    yorkieflyer 264 posts

    I received an invite, filled in all the initial information (some of it was quite personal and intrusive). I then reached the final page of the survey, that stated I fit the profile and congratulations I may join the panel. I was then prompted to accept the terms and conditions, which I did. It then abruptly showed me a message saying the quota is full, I can try again in the future, goodbye.
    I was left baffled and felt like it was a scam to just take all my personal info. I’m really annoyed.

    Yes the same here, a right scam

    davefl 1,999 posts

    The Hilton one has been cancelled and we were given a relatively short period to cash out in their range of gift cards. So I can say it wasn’t a scam as I ultimately earned approx $70 over 6 years or so.

    Whether Hilton fell out with ICMIB or just thought they had run it’s course or not I have no idea. I do know that Hilton pretty much ignored all the feedback they received against the questions we were asked.

    davefl 1,999 posts

    I received an invite, filled in all the initial information (some of it was quite personal and intrusive). I then reached the final page of the survey, that stated I fit the profile and congratulations I may join the panel. I was then prompted to accept the terms and conditions, which I did. It then abruptly showed me a message saying the quota is full, I can try again in the future, goodbye.
    I was left baffled and felt like it was a scam to just take all my personal info. I’m really annoyed.

    Individuals have the right to have their personal data erased if:

    the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose which you originally collected or processed it for;
    you are relying on consent as your lawful basis for holding the data, and the individual withdraws their consent;

    If they’re not using your consent, you can still object to their processing and achieve the same end.

    Send your email to

    The personal info was gathered by ICMIB, not IHG (or Hilton in my case). A marketing agency. Can’t remember the details and my access has now been turned off so I can’t check.

    Retron 39 posts

    anyone ever had points for this actually post to their account?

    As of today, yes:

    Survey Incentive
    500 pts

    That took just over 6 weeks.

    I’m less impressed with the latest one though, for 5000 points – same old thing you see with e-Rewards, Avios for Thoughts etc in that you go through a dozen or so questions only to be told they have enough people already.

    jeff 52 posts

    Presumably the points earned do not count for status, and are just regular bonus points?

    Retron 39 posts

    Presumably the points earned do not count for status, and are just regular bonus points?

    Spot on, they’re just normal points.

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