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  • AMEX 15 posts

    Hi All I have a question would like to get your thought and appion on IHG Premium Card Vs the Amazon card for collections points. Then some thoughts on the Sainsbury Nectar Credit Card.

    I have the IHG Premium card and a total of 78,502 points un-used due to Covid19. I have just been hit with the IHG re-new fee. I have just got the Amazon Prime card. The points collection per pound is better on the IHG card as its 2 points per £. The Amazon cared is 0.5 points per £ on non Amazon transactions. Question 1 is there a way I could cancel the IHG card and not pay the re-newal fee. Then do all non-amex spending on the Amazon card and have a free card with half a point per £. I would like you appion on this as I am thinking Coivd19 is going no where and it wont be till 2024 I will get on a flight and book a hotel with my points.

    Then move my points from IHG to the transfer conversation for BA Avios points, I know its reduced but the points are building up and not being used. Then take advantage of the Amazon card 0.5 points per £. I would need to spend a lot of the card to get the Amazon gift card but I could save my self £99.00 per year, which might outweigh the slow return on the Amazon card.

    In 5 months I am going to apply for the Sainsbury Nectar Credit Card to get the Nectar point bonus, then after spending what I need to just sit on the card and move back to my Amex for Sainsbury groceries. As I really don’t want to pay for any more cards.

    Or overall shall I just sit on IHG Premium and let points stack up and pay the fee earn more points and having the Premium IHG card keeps my points safe from not expiring.

    Thoughts please Every one.

    The Urbanite 130 posts

    Best to make a decision as to what scheme you want to collect in and stick with it.

    As for the annual fee, if you don’t want the card then it’s best to cancel it before the fee is charged. You can ask the issuer if they can refund the fee, the worst they can do is say no.

    • This reply was modified 55 years, 1 month ago by .
    Reney 853 posts

    A few things to consider

    1. The Amazon card is 0.5 points for every £2, so it is actually 0.25 points per pound which is half of what your original post stated. Will this make a difference for you?
    2. The Black IHG card has not been available for new applicants for quite some time. It is not clear if it will come back. Do you think you will miss it when travel resume? Is it worth it for you to keep paying it just to keep it (assuming Creation doesn’t decide to close the product in the future)? Can you spend enough on it for the free night every year and spend it in a nice IHG in the UK? Just think carefully about shutting down a card that you can’t reopen again.

    Like The Urbanite said it really depends on your “spend” pattern as to what to do with your IHG points. For example, I have more Avios than places I can travel to at the moment, hotel points are more useful to me for UK staycation and future trips if I can keep earning them. I am getting to the “diversify” stage of points earning journey. Work out when they expire and maybe make a decision closer to the time they would expire?

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