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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Tier point dates question

  • The Original Nick 142 posts

    Hi, I’m still a little confused by the new threshold rules. I’m trying to figure out this for my parents but if someone can confirm I right in what I’m thinking it would help out. Their Tier point membership year starts on 8th October and they are currently both Blue. My Dad will have 450 tier points by the end of September so will he hit Silver which will carry on until november 2023?

    ATP 66 posts

    Hi Nick, yes he will. The moment you achieve a new status, you keep it for the remainder of your TP year (in this case, 8 days) and one additional year. N.B. he will only achieve silver if he gets 450 TPs as well as 4x BA flights.

    The Original Nick 142 posts

    Excellent, Thanks for confirming that for me. I’ll let him know now. My Mum will be happy about it too as they both travel together normally.

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