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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club VA Rewards+ vs BA AMEX Premium Plus

  • itsreallyunquie 1 post

    I have done the financial comparisons, read the forums and Reddit so have that perspective.

    I really would just like to hear an opinion based on my own family setup.

    My wife and I are both VA Rewards Plus holders and each have a voucher, I also have a BA AMEX companion voucher when I was using that card.

    We still have both of these cards (free BA one), so no ability to earn bonuses based on my question.

    We are a family of 2 adults, 1 child who can only fly in Peak season and typically to South Africa.
    We may use the vouchers off-peak for one of us to South Africa for family needs (emergencies)

    I saw the impact of the recent VA changes on the massive amount of points needed for July / August – impossible. I ended up booking economy BA flights on Skyscanner for cash.

    High level the VA option in Peak has massive points requirements but there are seats, BA there are just no seats.

    I am trying to work out what is best, we split our spend over two separate cards and easily make the qualifying spend for vouchers.

    – Both stay VA Rewards Plus holders
    – Both move to BA AMEX Premium
    – Move 1 card holder to BA AMEX Premium Plus

    So is there anyone else who has a family like ours who cannot travel Peak and happy to fly economy or premium economy and which option do you think is best.

    NorthernLass 10,457 posts

    I’d say BA for the reliability of award pricing (and there are loads of seats as long as you have a bit of flexibility on destination), but who knows how long that will last?!!

    Limiting yourselves to SA in school holidays has a high chance of ending in disappointment with either airline.

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