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TODAY ONLY: Win Lufthansa lounge passes and $100 LoungeBuddy credit

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Today – and only today – we are running a competition with LoungeBuddy.

We are giving away two prizes – one person will win $100 of LoungeBuddy airport lounge credit and another will win two passes for participating Lufthansa lounges, including Heathrow Terminal 2, which can be used irrespective of which airline you are flying.

Long-term HfP readers will know that we have covered LoungeBuddy in the past.  LoungeBuddy is an app which helps you find lounges at the airport where you currently are (via the GPS signal on your phone) or you can search for lounges at any airport.

Listings include ratings, reviews, photos and access requirements.  If you store details of your airline status cards with LoungeBuddy, the app will show you which lounges you are allowed to use.

LoungeBuddy also sells day passes to pay-as-you-go airport lounges.  When you look at LoungeBuddy listings for a particular airport, lounges where you can use the app to purchase a day pass are highlighted with a large ‘Buy’ button. You can then use a pre-stored credit card number to buy an entrance pass for yourself and any number of guests. You simply show your LoungeBuddy confirmation code at the lounge entrance and you will be allowed in.

Pretty much every major UK lounge which offers paid access is available via LoungeBuddy.

A few months ago LoungeBuddy teamed up with Lufthansa to give travellers the option of booking paid access to participating Lufthansa lounges via the app and website.

You don’t need to be flying with Lufthansa to use a Lufthansa lounge with LoungeBuddy.  At Heathrow, you can buy access to the Lufthansa Business Lounge in Terminal 2.  LoungeBuddy can also get you into Lufthansa lounges in Germany (Frankfurt, Munich, Dusseldorf) and elsewhere (New York JFK, Paris CDG, Washington etc).

If you don’t win the competition, you can still save $10 on your first LoungeBuddy lounge visit .  HfP readers get a free $10 sign-up credit when they download the iOS or Android and app and use the code headfp when registering.


In order for HfP readers to try the LoungeBuddy service, we are giving away two prizes:

  • Two free passes to participating Lufthansa lounges (expire 31st August 2017)
  • $100 LoungeBuddy credit (expires 1st July 2018)

All you have to do to enter this competition is fill out the Gleam widget at the bottom of this page with your email address. Your email address remains private. We will not give it to LoungeBuddy (unless you win) and we won’t be using it for anything else.

You need to enter by midnight tonight.

The first winner gets to choose his or her prize and the runner-up will receive the other prize.  The two Lufthansa passes could be worth more than $100 but, of course, you need to be travelling through a suitable airport in order to use them.

You must be a UK resident to enter.

Full terms and conditions are in the widget below.

If you want to find out more about LoungeBuddy, visit their website here.

If you cannot see the entry widget below then click here to be taken to a special entry page online.

Win lounge passes with Head for Points and LoungeBuddy

Getting airport lounge access for free from a credit card

How to get FREE airport lounge access via UK credit cards (February 2025)

Here are the five options to get FREE airport lounge access via a UK credit card.

The Platinum Card from American Express comes with two free Priority Pass cards, one for you and one for a supplementary cardholder. Each card admits two so a family of four gets in free. You get access to all 1,500 lounges in the Priority Pass network – search it here.

You also get access to Eurostar, Lufthansa and Delta Air Lines lounges.  Our American Express Platinum review is here.

You can apply here.

The Platinum Card from American Express

50,000 bonus points and great travel benefits – for a large fee Read our full review

American Express Preferred Rewards Gold is FREE for the first year. It comes with a Priority Pass card loaded with four free visits to any Priority Pass lounge – see the list here.

Additional lounge visits are charged at £24.  You get four more free visits for every year you keep the card.  

There is no annual fee for Amex Gold in Year 1 and you get a 20,000 points sign-up bonus.  Full details are in our American Express Preferred Rewards Gold review here.

American Express Preferred Rewards Gold

Your best beginner’s card – 20,000 points, FREE for a year & four airport lounge passes Read our full review

HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard gets you get a free Priority Pass card, allowing you access to the Priority Pass network.  Guests are charged at £24 although it may be cheaper to pay £60 for a supplementary credit card for your partner.

The card has a fee of £290 and there are strict financial requirements to become a HSBC Premier customer.  Full details are in my HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard review.

HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard

A good package, but only available to HSBC Premier clients Read our full review

Got a small business?

If you have a small business, consider American Express Business Platinum which has the same lounge benefits as the personal Platinum card:

American Express Business Platinum

50,000 points when you sign-up and an annual £200 Amex Travel credit Read our full review

You should also consider the Capital on Tap Pro Visa credit card which has a lower fee and, as well as a Priority Pass for airport lounge access, also comes with Radison Rewards VIP hotel status:

Capital on Tap Pro Visa

10,500 points (=10,500 Avios) plus good benefits Read our full review

PS. You can find all of HfP’s UK airport lounge reviews – and we’ve been to most of them – indexed here.

Comments (56)

This article is closed to new comments. Feel free to ask your question in the HfP forums.

  • Wally1976 says:

    Completely OT – got into a bit of a pickle and hoping someone can help on what to do!

    I’ll try and summarise as quickly as possible…

    My wife’s Lloyds Avios credit card account (Amex/Mastercard) was coming up to end of 0% period so I opened her a Tesco 0% no fee balance transfer card to transfer the balance. I gave Tesco the Lloyds Amex number to transfer the balance. I don’t think their system could cope with transferring balance to the Amex number so they sent my wife a letter asking her to call them. I managed to get her to call, she gave them the Amex number again and they said it would go through within 2 days no problem.

    5 days later (and 1 day until the end of 0% period on Lloyds account) it still hadn’t gone through so I logged into her online Tesco account and re-requested the balance transfer but this time using the Lloyds Mastercard number. Next day (yesterday) the balance transfer had gone through fine – Lloyds cards at NIL balance and Tesco at 95% of credit limit. Brilliant. I posted the letter signed by wife to cancel her Lloyds cards.

    However, I checked today and the balance transfer has gone through twice grrrr. So now Tesco card is at 190% of credit limit and Lloyds card account has a large credit balance. Getting my wife to phone again is NOT an option – she’s quite happy for me to manage all our finances and open credit cards for her etc but she hates having to phone anyone. She went mad at me when I got her to call first time saying that the Tesco Bank person would think she was struggling for money because she was having to transfer balances!?

    Anyway, currently I’m thinking I’ll wait a couple of days to see if Tesco reverse one of the transfers. They shouldn’t have allowed it to go through twice really but I’m worried she’ll get hit with charges and a hit on credit record for going over credit limit plus she’ll probably lose her 0% offer on the Tesco card. Also we’re going to have to wait for the money to come back from Lloyds if Tesco don’t reverse one of the balance transfers. If only Tesco Bank had Live Chat or Secure messaging I’d attempt to sort it through that but alas they don’t.

    Anyway, apologies for the long off-topic but if anyone has any advice I’d be really grateful.

    • the real harry1 says:

      you need to sort it out pronto as you’ve broken Tesco’s T&Cs so they’ll start charging you interest straight away – ie the 0% offer has automatically stopped

      • the real harry1 says:

        ps I’ve got the same wife as you (lol you know what I mean 🙂 ) – and she is at least willing to go through ID/ security with the card issuer then ask them to deal with me thereafter – only takes her 30 secs so might be a compromise?

        • Wally1976 says:

          Ha ha, are most companies willing to do that?

          • Mzungu says:

            Yes, most will give ‘third party access’. In some cases you need to ask/plead with the recalcitrant wife/partner to make the initial call and then hand the phone over. I usually make the initial call, explain what’s needed, and then pass the phone over to my wife for the ID bit – usually keeps her involvement down to less than 30 seconds 🙂

            Some companies will allow you to set up permanent third party access – BA will do this. I have a separate password to access my wife’s BAEC account on her behalf.

      • Wally1976 says:

        Thanks Harry, yes I thought that would be the case. Can’t see any way of doing it other than getting my wife to phone unfortunately. I’m just going to have to take the flak I guess (she’ll forgive me eventually!) Maybe they’ll just let her go through security then hand the phone to me to deal with it. Only other thing I can think of is to draft a letter and get it in the post ASAP.

        • Roberto says:

          Always better to ask for forgiveness every once in a while than to ask for permission on a regular basis.

        • Anna says:

          As someone on this forum said to me recently, ask her if she still minds when she is sitting in Club World drinking champagne!

    • Anna says:

      My husband is the same, so usually communicates with banks and credit card companies by email or letter as he “doesn’t have time to speak to people on the phone…”. This has been a successful tactic for several years now!

      Or if it’s BA, they are usually happy for him to give brief verbal consent to them discussing his account with me, with always surprises me as they are generally so obstructive!

      • Wally1976 says:

        Thanks Anna, yes this has worked successfully for me up to now!

        • the real harry1 says:

          I have found Amex to be the most ‘allowable’ about permitting the supplementary cardholder to do stuff on behalf of the account without involving the principal, not saying it’s going to work for everybody

  • Leo says:

    OT. Just heading​ to LHR and lost my silver card. Checked in as silver but will this cause my issues at the lounge?

    • Rob says:

      No, your boarding pass shows your status. If you download the BA app to your phone you get a digital membership card and your digital boarding passes are in a Silver colour.

  • Mike says:

    I’m a UK resident. I happen to ben in Zurich for 2 days on business and can’t enter!!!

  • Rob says:

    Off topic advice needed. My wife’s BA Exec Silver status expires 8th June. I’ve just noticed that she only needs 20 points, but has to do 4 eligible flights in order to retain silver. We didn’t realise that when we’ve been flying Qatar and FinnAir and getting BA points that the flights wouldn’t count as eligible. What / where is the cheapest place (twice, for four flights) to go or what advice can people give me so she can retain her Silver. Is it worth calling BA and asking for some extra time to take the flights that would qualify her? Any advice much appreciated.

    • Rob says:

      You can get a 2 week extension by calling up but absolutely nothing more. If you are based outside London then something like Manchester London Berlin for the weekend, and back, would do it. Otherwise you’d be looking at two short breaks, based on 5 tier points for each flight in discounted economy.

      The cheapest flights are from Gatwick but, if you are connecting from the regions, this may well not work depending on how the connections are timed. The BA Low Fare Finder (see the link in our sidebar under Key BA Links) will show you which cities have the cheapest fares. Somewhere like Bordeaux from Gatwick is likely to be cheap.

      • Rob says:

        Thanks Rob, great advice. We live minutes from Heathrow so that would be better but of course more expensive. That BA low fare finder only gives you the option to show London, not London Heathrow. Do you have any ideas what places are cheapest from LHR? Is the two week extension guaranteed or is it up to their discretion?

        • Rob says:

          The 2 weeks seems available to anyone who asks. Given that you are very restricted now on dates you are probably a bit short on options especially as the Bank Holiday will jack up pricing, as will half term which is the same week. Something short like Paris or Amsterdam is likely to be cheapest and if you can go at odd times (because you’re nearby) even better / cheaper. There are probably good prices to Leeds Bradford etc too but ….

        • Yan says:

          Since you are close to LHR, try looking for weekend (Sat/Sun) daytrips (G class) under £100. Amsterdam, Madrid, Nice, Marseille, Geneva, Milan, Stockholm, Aberdeen, Leeds to name a few.

          • Rob says:

            Are those still going? BA has not pushed them for ages.

          • Andrew says:

            Yep – good option. Just booked a day trip to Barcelona (October admittedly) for £87 each return from LHR.

        • Alex W says:

          Is BA Silver really worth £200+ on 2 unnecessary round trips?
          Admittedly I did a couple of tier point runs to get Gold last year, which has been good as a novelty. But if you already have status and travel with your partner, I don’t think it’s really worth an extra £200+!

  • Anna says:

    OT 1. My Clubcard statement has arrived with a 100 point bonus voucher I can use 4 times. Best offer for quite a while.

    OT 2. My Lloyds avios have appeared in my account manually. Not sure of they will do this every month for the next 26 weeks or if I will have to keep chasing them!

    • Alex W says:

      Same here – plus £225 compo. Must be costing Lloyds a fortune!

  • Calz says:

    Was upgraded on Sunday to 1C on BA flight from LHR to EDI – was great to try out CE on domestic routes and was a nice bonus after attaining BA gold for the first time ever. Ploughmans was actually really decent and getting a drink on a domestic flight was a novelty. No scone though 🙁 Submitted an online form to BA thanking them for upgrade and also asking them to bring afternoon tea back up to the standard legal requirement.

    • the real harry1 says:

      what is the standard legal requirement for afternoon tea? sounds like a rule devised by the PG Tips chimps

      • Callum says:

        A scone must be served…and yes they make up at least 80% of the board

    • Alex W says:

      I have been upgraded about 6 or 7 times on BA long haul but literally NEVER on short haul! A mild irritation though and I prefer it that way round than the inverse!

  • Nick says:

    The thread above has too many comments so is closed but I thought I’d share something on baggage here instead. BA puts cases in bins on the planes, and there are separate ones for premium/non premium classes of travel. This is identified based solely on where people are sitting (read from the barcode), and is automatic. The exceptions are last-minute check-ins (which are thrown into whatever is open). The brightly coloured labels are put on solely to allow DYKWIA types to feel better about themselves, so don’t worry if they’re forgotten. And the system (mostly) does work very well indeed. However, it’s based on seat and not tier, so Gold doesn’t get you anything more (hence also the message on the oneworld website about BA not issuing priority baggage for members, as this is the bit that’s not technically possible).

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