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Forums Payment cards American Express Amex Platinum benefits into 2025

  • Rob
    HfP Staff
    2,703 posts

    Interesting comment from Rob in one of the articles today about the Plat benefits for 2025 “I suspect you won’t be disappointed by what is offered for 2025 when it is unveiled.”

    When I asked Rob, if he knew what they were, but could not say yet, he confirmed that he knew what they are, and that they will be confirmed at the end of the month.

    It’s probably more accurate to say that no-one will be cancelling their cards in disgust!

    Skywalker 942 posts

    @Rob I don’t know why we won’t be cancelling our cards in disgust but that’s good to hear (I think 😀 )

    Did you manage to glean from Amex whether or not they actually utilised any of the information from the survey responses about the Platinum card, as in, will they have taken on board any of the suggestions in the survey responses?

    BBbetter 1,253 posts

    I wish Rob hadnt mentioned that. Now this is going to be more nail biting than the US election.

    meta 1,732 posts

    Whenever Rob hypes something up, I am disappointed. I’m not holding my breath that anything good will come out. Companies left right and centre are reducing benefits or camouflaging them with supposedly new even greater benefits, but when you scratch the surface they come with a lot restrictions.

    can2 816 posts

    All bets are on.

    – some silly digital subscriptions,
    – increased earning rate,
    – more free food

    Caps44 113 posts

    End of Pro-rata refund on Annual Fee?

    Supergers49 310 posts

    I have it on really good authority it won’t be,
    – IC Ambassador
    – £200 Qatar Credit
    – 20 Domestic Lounge Pre-Books
    – £10 Monthly Uber/Uber Eats Credit

    Caps44 113 posts

    The main perks currently are:

    £300 Dining credit
    £100 HN credit

    Hotel status – will likely stay
    Avis and Hertz status – likely stay.

    Dining Credit seems likely to stay with new restaurants being added. The only definitive thing I have heard is that they are stopping HN. So £10 credit on food etc (Deliveroo…will likely cover that)

    executiveclubber 530 posts

    Pre-booking a lounge and partially offsetting the delivery fee of a lukewarm takeaway is enough to make me cancel my card in disgust, so I’m glad it won’t be that sorry list! (Though IC Ambassador is a bit more generous than current hotel chain offerings)

    The Savage Squirrel 672 posts

    “no-one will be cancelling their cards in disgust!“

    No-one is a strong statement as any change will always work well for someone and badly for someone else. Could change it to credit at frickin Tesco or Amazon and someone somewhere would somehow complain that this is now ‘unusable’ or not premium enough. Only change I can think of re Harvey Nicks that would annoy literally no one would be loss of £100 credit but £100 lower card fee 😆.

    can2 816 posts

    Pre-booking a lounge and partially offsetting the delivery fee of a lukewarm takeaway is enough to make me cancel my card in disgust, so I’m glad it won’t be that sorry list! (Though IC Ambassador is a bit more generous than current hotel chain offerings)

    give me a hotel status that won’t give me free breakfast, then I’ll join those brave men and women who turn their Plat to a windscreen scraper!

    Ian 90 posts

    The problem is if they add say Disney+, many people would already have it.

    Would be nice to see the Business card improved for benefits such as Hertz etc.

    Caps44 113 posts

    I guess we will find out in the next 5 days…..
    Amazon Prime would be a decent substitute for HN, roughly the same monetary value.

    HfP Staff
    2,703 posts

    Don’t get your hopes up. There are no major changes.

    strickers 1,023 posts

    Don’t get your hopes up. There are no major changes.

    He gives with one comment and takes away with another! 😉

    Harrier25 1,042 posts

    I know. How funny. Rowing backwards, just like the current Labour government.

    TGLoyalty 1,226 posts

    Pre-booking a lounge and partially offsetting the delivery fee of a lukewarm takeaway is enough to make me cancel my card in disgust, so I’m glad it won’t be that sorry list! (Though IC Ambassador is a bit more generous than current hotel chain offerings)

    You realise Deliveroo actually do groceries right? If you have Amazon prime it actually works out really well for ordering a few bits from a local supermarket. Mark up is usually Less than the cost of fuel (unless you’re driving EV) and there’s the time you would’ve lost if you’re cooking/entertaining/got the kids.

    phantomchickenz 575 posts

    Surely they’ve done their market research, and realised that all the high net worth discerning traveller really wants is free Greggs sausage rolls?

    Lady London 2,352 posts

    With a bit of luck it will be Selfridges rather than HN.

    Optimus Prime 89 posts

    I’d be happy if the dining credit were valid everywhere – including deliveroo and uber eats – like they do for the US Bonvoy card. Though that one was nerfed from $300/year to $25/month.

    mrd 45 posts

    I’d be so much happier if it was Selfridges over HN.

    HfP Staff
    2,703 posts

    You realise Deliveroo actually do groceries right? If you have Amazon prime it actually works out really well for ordering a few bits from a local supermarket. Mark up is usually Less than the cost of fuel (unless you’re driving EV) and there’s the time you would’ve lost if you’re cooking/entertaining/got the kids.

    It does. We were cooking a few weeks ago and it turned out we had no jam sugar. Yes, first world problems I know.

    Even though it was 7pm, turns out Waitrose still delivers even though the shop is closed (Sunday hours).

    Jam sugar was £3.35. Delivery was £4. Amex Gold got us £5 back.

    Jam sugar delivered to our door by Deliveroo within 15 minutes of deciding to order it for net cost of £2.35. Result.

    HfP Staff
    2,703 posts

    And, without wishing to state the obvious, you know you can order groceries on Deliveroo for pick-up and so not pay the delivery fee? Go in the app, order what you want, pay on Amex Gold and pop down to your corner shop where it will all be bagged and waiting.

    Ian 90 posts

    Don’t get your hopes up. There are no major changes.

    Why suggest that there are?

    BBbetter 1,253 posts

    Damned if you do…

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