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  • moody 38 posts

    Due to fly ba1497 Gla-Lhr this evening. Flight canceled last night, no explanation given. I see there are thunderstorms predicted this evening, but there are 2 flights from Edinburgh departing 40 mins before and 20 mins after mine still running. There are also 2 services from London to Glasgow running tonight.

    Given the situation, should I expect be able to claim eu261?

    Also, I’ve been re booked for 0630 tomorrow morning – if I make my own arrangements for accommodation, can I assume BA will pay for a taxi to the airport in the morning, given there is no public transport at 0430?

    Thanks for any advice

    yonasl 1,038 posts

    We won’t know about compensation until BA says no. I would keep track of other departing BA flights to/from same airport.

    BA should provide duty of care so hotel, food and transportation. I would go with the taxi and try to claim back. They usually do pay for that if you are reasonable.

    You mention you have been rebooked already, were you not given an option to select another time, option (train?) or even a refund?

    JDB 5,305 posts

    @moody – part of BA’s duty of care is to transport you to/from any hotel accommodation necessarily booked owing to flight cancellation.

    The fact that other flights are operating around the same time as yours doesn’t mean anything re compensation. If the cancellation is weather related it will be on the basis of NATS advice; operations will probably only cease briefly and possibly not at all but if “pre-tactical cancellations” are required – ie limiting numbers of arrivals/departures, then BA can cancel whichever flights it wishes and claim ‘extraordinary circumstances’ including future rotations of that aircraft. The concept is designed to minimise the number of cancellations and give people at least some notice.

    freckles 215 posts

    BA1497 seems to be the return rotation if the BA1492 up from LHR.
    Posts on Flyertalk seem to confirm Heathrow Air Traffic have instructed BA (and others) to reduce operations today for weather reasons. BA have a choice which services they cancel, but they’ve chosen BA1492 as one, which means your return won’t operate.
    Incidentally they’ve cancelled 2 EDI flights (and their returns) today as well

    BA Flyer IHG Stayer 2,590 posts

    Always check BA flight status page for the flight as thst gives more info that the email.

    Been cancelled due to weather.

    moody 38 posts

    Many thanks all, will claim for the taxi. Looks like eu261 is unlikely

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