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  • PB2 234 posts

    3 (LP, Moet & Veuve) bottles of champagne for £127.99 currently come with 4000 (instant as I just found out) avios, with code CASES. There is also a BA Amex offer expiring in 8 days for 4000 Avios on a spend over £125. Assume no issue picking up both promos from the same purchase? At 1p an Avios you’re talking £16 a bottle with free delivery.

    Richie 1,269 posts

    BTW Sainsbury’s has a wine offer, 6 bottles or more 25% off.

    NorthernLass 10,504 posts

    Also Morrisons!

    , yes, the offers should stack.

    iamlost 116 posts

    @PB2 I got this exact purchase yesterday. You can easily get those three bottles for around £35 each elsewhere, so you are overpaying by £20-25 buying here for the 8k Avios.

    The CASES bonus is already in my Avios account today which I’m very impressed with, and the Amex offer shows as triggered so I’m sure will soon be in my December earnings to be transferred.

    xefo 60 posts

    Offer not on my BA card sadly.

    Alex G 577 posts

    Rob’s article says the “cases” offer expires at midnight, but I can’t see that anywhere else. I only got the email from WF this afternoon.

    These are bonus Avios. So you also get the standard 5/£?

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