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Forums Other Destination advice Egypt evisa portal – website issues

  • Skywalker 942 posts

    Hello, over the last week or so, I’ve been having a lot of problems trying to get the Egyptian evisa portal to work.

    I have got as far as my name, and my email address – that’s it.

    I have tried every browser, turning off VPN, clearing cookies, different device, turning the computer off and on again – and nothing resolves it.

    Is it possible to obtain a visa upon arrival in Cairo? I would much prefer to have an evisa in my hand, but this website really does not want to comply

    Has anyone else had similar experiences?


    Jabba44 1 post

    I managed to get an E visa but the website doesnt like or accept hyphens comma stops etc just leave a space between words passport photo load at about 200kb size,on payments page you need the left hand box mine was obscured.dont bother to save as it deletes all you save you have to do it n one attempt.
    At Cairo airport there is a dedicated line for Evisa holders im informed,US Dollars only to pay in Cairo,$25. carry small notes for tips they dont like coins so $1 is smallest if you have`nt got Egypt £.
    Hope that helps

    Aston100 1,740 posts

    Don’t bother.
    Just walk up to one of the bank counters (before passport/border control or whatever they call it there) armed with a £20 note.
    There were at least two that I saw, maybe more.
    They’ll give you a sticker and some change in Egyptian pounds.
    Take this sticker and hand it over to the border control / immigration / whatever agent with your passport.
    You shouldn’t have any issues at this point.

    Skywalker 942 posts

    Thanks to both

    danimal 138 posts

    As mentioned above Visa on arrival is possible but I’ve read stories of very long queues.

    2 friends and I recently battled the eVisa portal, I agree with the above, remove any odd characters – commas, hyphens, accents on your name or the hotel name. Keep hotel address simple – I ended up just putting “Giza”.

    Skywalker 942 posts

    Thanks @danimal


    The website miraculously began to work smoothly and I have submitted the evisa application – once logged in, the application process itself was rather straight forward (no confusing/ambiguous questions).

    Will update again on progress (just to give datapoints regarding timescales and any glitches along the way)

    Skywalker 942 posts

    Second update (just for anyone who might be interested and just leaving this here for data points)

    The Egypt evisa was granted within two business days.

    So, an easy process (if the visa application itself is not complicated and if the website is working 🙂 )

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