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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club BA Premium Plus Amex downgrade questions

  • MikeTait 1 post

    Hi all,
    Our premium BA amex is due for renewal next month, we have already triggered the spend for the companion voucher, but have not yet booked a flight for it. With the increase in fee and spend needed, seriously considering moving elsewhere for this to a better option.
    I have 3 questions i would like to confirm on what would happen if we were to downgrade/cancel
    1. if we were to cancel completely, would we lose access to the companion voucher?
    2. I believe this to be the case, but checking to be sure. if we downgrade, we still maintain the 2-year validity on the unspent companion voucher
    3. if we downgrade, do we lose the right to book any cabin choice on the unspent companion voucher (i.e. must be used in economy only) or would this only be applicable to future companion vouchers we trigger once downgraded
    thanks for you help

    Wiseoldman 220 posts

    Downgrading has none of three consequences you asked about. You can pay with any Amex when you book a flight including the free BA amex.

    Lots of detailed discussion if you search on HfP

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