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Forums Payment cards American Express American Express Shop Small Christmas 2021 discussion

  • Liz 16 posts

    Just finished my Small Shop promo for 2021 – managed all 25 transactions on our 5 cards. Usual places in St Andrews and Broughty Ferry. Got some vouchers for hubby’s future whisky purchases, bird seed for the winter, Love Your Planet shop, couple of future meal out vouchers, butchers, cheese vouchers, cards and some nice panettone for Xmas! 7 credits posted so far.

    rontse 11 posts

    Did some shop small spending yesterday and today, but realise the offer not actually saved on my card. Added the offer today, all transactions still pending, any chance of triggering without ringing Amex?? T&C doesn’t actually say you have to add offer before spending to qualify, it says you must add offer and spend before the offer ends.

    cinereus 161 posts

    Anyone else getting nil results from the Shop Small map? Tried 2 different browsers and no shops appear no matter what location I choose.

    Shop Small map not loading any data. Just says “We weren’t able to find any results for this location.”

    It’s often incredibly buggy. Try incognito or mobile emulation.

    Laura 13 posts

    Credits seem to be taking ages to come through; I have some transactions from Saturday which I still haven’t received them for.

    Some transactions I got emails for, but not all of them. Weird

    dst87 272 posts

    Had an interesting experience with a restaurant on the shop small map the other day. Went to pay and tapped my amex card to the machine. Transaction went through fine and receipt printed. It was only then did the restaurant owner realise I’d paid with an amex. He said something along the lines of “we don’t usually accept amex because they charge fees which are something like 10x more than visa/mastercard.

    Argh, that would have infuriated me. I don’t know what the business model is like these days. I reckon a lot of businesses are only legacy contracts and perhaps do still have really poor rates for card acceptance.

    Matt 394 posts

    It was only then did the restaurant owner realise I’d paid with an amex. He said something along the lines of “we don’t usually accept amex because they charge fees which are something like 10x more than visa/mastercard”.

    That’s why you always try to make the payment, don’t ask if they take it! Paying by phone helps, because they can’t see the obvious Amex card.

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