Maximise your Avios, air miles and hotel points

Bits: 1200 Avios via Tesco PayQwiq, Emirates launches Athens to NYC, HfP on the radio

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News in brief:

Get 1,200 Avios or 1,250 Virgin miles for trying PayQwiq

From yesterday, you can now use Tesco’s mobile payment app PayQwiq in EVERY Tesco store.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you can earn 120 Avios (50 Clubcard points) for each of your first 10 transactions of any size before 7th May.

Emirates launches Athens to New York flights

Emirates has run a ‘fifth freedom’ flight from Milan to New York JFK for a number of years.  It has just announced the imminent launch of an Athens to New York Newark service from 12th March.

This will be operated by a Boeing 777-300ER and is a continuation of the existing Dubai to Athens service.  It will be the only year-round service between the two cities.

HfP on the Great Destinations radio show

Finally, here is a piece I did recently for the syndicated Great Destinations radio show which is run by 60 stations across the UK.  It is meant to be a general introduction to Avios.

Comments (88)

This article is closed to new comments. Feel free to ask your question in the HfP forums.

  • krys_k says:

    OT – are there any cyclical Avios buying opportunities coming up (or indeed happening right now) that people know about. I’ve got the perfect storm of 241 and two Lloyds vouchers coming to and end and need around 100k avois. Cheers

    • Polly says:

      Get a plat, 35k bonus or be referred by OH, or OH get PRG first for free, then refer you for plat, 18k and a few months later refer your OH if you can, that’s a tidy sum. Same again 35 plus 18 approx, might be out by a k or so! So 100k within a few months…depends on how long you have to get these avios.

      • krys_k says:

        I’m doing the platinum card churning with my wife and mother (as well as BA cards) – but the dates are out of kilter with my almost immediate need for points. So need to buy!

  • Ronster says:

    Good morning all

    There is a rumor that Qatar Airlines will launch a “Fifth Freedom” flight from Pisa to New York.

    The Lord Mayor of Pisa recently commented on a meeting with Akbar Al Baker. It is said that the Qatar Airlines CEO, could be interested, in picking up the direct NYC route that Delta has dropped.

    We shall just have to see, if it was only polite chitter chatter


    • Sam G says:

      I’d be quite surprised as the Pisa flight is being downgraded from A320 to A319 , which suggests despite the best efforts of Ex- Eu bargain hunters t’s not super successful

      US-pisa could do ok during peak season, though I imagine people value the ability to open-jaw into/out of other European airports rather than having to return back to Pisa

  • Rob says:

    The advice used to be ‘go to the Netherlands’ as it was far cheaper but the collapsing £ may have dented that. The UK sites have high-90% occupancy, no need to do deals.

  • Dave R says:

    Anyone know if people that got the 5 x 100 point bonus are eligible for the 10 x 50 payQwiq bonus?

    • Peter K says:

      Only if u got a targeted email it seems.

      • Genghis says:

        I’m going to continue using PayQwik. We shop at Tesco anyway so not losing anything.

        • Temp says:

          I got the autumn bonus, deleted and reinstalled the app to get the winter offer, but didn’t receive any bonus points. So they may have stopped previous payqwik users receiving repeated bonuses.

          • Kathy says:

            It seems the key to being targeted for Payqwik offers is to use it a few times (to trigger the bonus points) and then stop. If you use it in between bonuses you don’t seem to get targeted for offers again – presumably they assume that you’re going to continue to use it anyway.

        • Keith says:

          But… I use a Tesco MasterCard for the Clubcard points, and then pay using my BAPP. Doesn’t using PayQwiq lose this benefit? Unless I’ve got it wrong, I’m planning to use PayQwiq to get the 10×50 bonus, and then revert to my usual payment routine – unless that’s no longer valid?

          (Mind you, I can’t remember exactly how that works 🙁 ! )

          • Genghis says:

            Isn’t that trick only relevant for Tesco fuel? In store there’s no difference

    • Rich says:

      Has anyone received the bonus 500 CC points for the recent Payqwiq offer (the one which ended last Sunday)?

      • Graham Walsh says:

        Nope received them. Made the transactions in Decemebr.

      • Lawro says:

        Yes. Approx 2 weeks after transactions.

        • Liz says:

          No we are still waiting too – the last ones we did posted within a week but not this time.

          • Alan says:

            The first time round it took a couple of months for all my Paykwiq points to eventually post, some were quick (or kwiq?!), others took ages. All arrived in the end though.

          • Rob says:

            You know what the biggest problem with Payqwiq is? No-one can spell it. Even I get it wrong all the time and we’ve done loads of articles on it!

            I have purposely put misspellings into old Shopper Points articles to drive Google searches from people who also can’t guess it correctly.

          • Alan says:

            Hahah dammit, I’m pretty OCD about stuff too but forgot to scroll up to check!!

            Excellent idea on the Google front…

  • BrianDT says:

    Absolutely nothing to do with this thread…..should be deleted.

    • Oyster says:

      The owner of the site didn’t take umbrage with the question.

      It’d be a very boring world if everybody just stuck to the topic in hand!

      Besides which, some of the very best offers have been flagged by off-topic mentions on HfP.

      • Leo says:

        +1. It’s the Bits thread anyway.

      • Rob says:

        Very true. Random stuff has various benefits – it helps overcome the ‘no new articles after 6am’ schedule, it gives me a feel for what is going on, and it save me having to research my own content 🙂

        If people are asking what are considered ‘dumb’ questions then the fault is probably partly mine – plus BA’s, obviously!

      • Buster says:


        O/T is where the gems are!

        • Anon says:


          As for CenterParcs didn’t they use to accept Tesco Vouchers, there maybe other similar offerings via that route that would suit?

  • Gavin says:

    Payqwiq seems to be working in Taplow (Bucks) i.e. outside of M25 now. It came up as an option last night on the tills anyway, sadly I had forgotten my password so couldn’t benefit!

  • Gavin says:

    Can see the new Emirates flight being popular for those trying to visit Greek Islands from the US, presume there will be interlining with Aegean

  • rams1981 says:

    how did I miss this Payqwiq thing… there doesn’t seem to be a reference to minimum spend either?

    • Temp says:

      I think it’s just £1 minimum

      • Temp says:

        Sorry, you’re right. £1 minimum for previous promo, no minimum for this one

    • Alan says:

      Was only limited locations before, that might have been why?

      The other positive to a nationwide roll-out is that means contactless should also be nationwide too, as the functionality on the till went hand in hand.

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