Maximise your Avios, air miles and hotel points

Bits: 1200 Avios via Tesco PayQwiq, Emirates launches Athens to NYC, HfP on the radio

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News in brief:

Get 1,200 Avios or 1,250 Virgin miles for trying PayQwiq

From yesterday, you can now use Tesco’s mobile payment app PayQwiq in EVERY Tesco store.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you can earn 120 Avios (50 Clubcard points) for each of your first 10 transactions of any size before 7th May.

Emirates launches Athens to New York flights

Emirates has run a ‘fifth freedom’ flight from Milan to New York JFK for a number of years.  It has just announced the imminent launch of an Athens to New York Newark service from 12th March.

This will be operated by a Boeing 777-300ER and is a continuation of the existing Dubai to Athens service.  It will be the only year-round service between the two cities.

HfP on the Great Destinations radio show

Finally, here is a piece I did recently for the syndicated Great Destinations radio show which is run by 60 stations across the UK.  It is meant to be a general introduction to Avios.

Comments (88)

This article is closed to new comments. Feel free to ask your question in the HfP forums.

  • Wally1976 says:

    Grrr PayQwick won’t work on my phone as it says it’s rooted. It isn’t but it’s a Wileyfox which uses a modified version of the Android operating system (Cyanogen). Would be interested if anyone knows any workarounds for this. Thanks.

    • Alex W says:

      Flash some different firmware etc then un root your phone? Try searching XDA developers.

  • Tony says:

    At the risk of upsetting BrianDT… another OT
    Has anyone experienced any issues with Bon Vivant that Rob promoted last week? I used the HfP form on 16th with an enquiry and then chased again on 20th but still no reply. In my chaser I did ask if they were unable to assist to let me know.

    • Rob says:

      Will give Emyr a nudge. He was swamped last week with around 150 enquiries, so if you assume 30 minutes for research per enquiry (and that is before dealing with people who want to book post enquiry …..). It should have settled down now. Private feedback to me so far from readers has been positive.

    • Emyr Thomas says:

      Hi Tony,

      I’m afraid I did not receive either of your messages – I’ve just sent you an email now so please reply to that and I’ll look into it ASAP.

      Many thanks,

      • Tony says:

        Many thanks – have replied to your email. Appreciate the quick response from both Rob and Emyr

  • Nick_C says:

    Has anyone tried using Payqwiq in Tesco petrol stations? The Express reports you can but there is nothing on the website about it.

  • Liz says:

    OT sorry about off topic but is anyone else having problems seeing their recent activity on the IHG website – I can see it in the app but on the website it says there is a problem processing your request – try again later or call customer service – it’s been like that for a couple of days now – no activity showing at all but points are correct.

    • Alan says:

      All showing up fine for me, Liz (my latest credit card points just posted too, love how efficient they are with this aspect!). Accelerate taking weeks as always to update but no problem with main points. Perhaps worth trying in private browsing to see if some cookie/cache issue?

      • Liz says:

        Thanks Alan – I don’t know how to do private browsing – not much of a techie – my pts from the weekend have posted today and showing in the app but no activity at all is showing on the website – I’ll have a clear out of cookies – I’ve sent them an email so will see what happens. They posted my 1000 birthday bonus a couple of days ago and today I have a new app message saying there was an error with my bonus and they are posting me another 1000 pts! Then hopefully my bumper 125102 pts Birthday stay pts will post too. My credit card ones should post hopefully tomorrow. Loving all these points ATM!

        • Alan says:

          Wish they would offer me these sort of birthday bonuses!!

          In either Firefox (private browsing) or Chrome (incognito mode) it should just be an option in the menu to open a new window in that mode 🙂

          I’m off to St Andrews now for a wee beach walk, not the best day for it but at least a break from the screen for a while!

          • Liz says:

            Enjoy – we walked our feet off at the weekend around Edinburgh – we don’t normally stay over in Edinburgh and enjoyed doing stuff we don’t normally do on day trips there! Climbed the Scott Monument which we have never done before!

    • h1tvd says:

      Showing for me too, credit card spend just posted today too

      • Alan says:

        Yeah I’ve been pretty impressed with Creation – points post to IHG a day or so before the statement is even generated, Plat status was showing within a couple of days of successful card application and foreign spend multiplier correctly applied. Waiting to see if IHG spend also correctly boosted but overall have found it to all work nicely (I appreciate this hasn’t been the experience for everyone though).

        • What's the Point says:

          Really Alan!
          I’ve had nothing but grief since getting the Creation IHG card in August. I’ve only had one lump of points get transferred, and that is after hounding them repeatedly. They had to do it manually as well.
          Terrible customer service.
          Chances of me seeing my free stay voucher automatically…….

          • Alan says:

            I know, WtP – my experience has definitely been at odds to some I’ve seen reported here, but there really hasn’t been a single issue so far. First IHG stay was this past month though, so will see what statement says for that.

          • Steve-B says:

            My experience with Creation has been positive so far. Points post very promptly. The only downside was when I needed a replacement card and was told that my current card would be deactivated at midnight and I’d have to wait a few days before the next one arrives which unfortunately coincided with wanting to use it to pay for a recent stay at an IHG property.

        • Genghis says:

          IHG spend calculates correctly on my statements

  • Phill says:

    Just tried using PayQwiq at one of the Manchester stores which has just introduced this and the the self service till wouldnt scan the barcode even though the PayQwiq option was on screen. I was told that some of the tills arent fully working with PayQwiq yet. Will try again tomorrow on a different till!

  • rams1981 says:

    I used a self checkout at lunch time for £1.20 spend using the app. all went smoothly though receipt doesn’t mention the bonus points. Is that the case so you need to track it later?

    • Alan says:

      Yep, they’re never mentioned on the receipt for PayQwiq. Can take weeks for them to get added. If any issues though the customer support team can see the transactions took place and can add them manually if necessary.

  • Julie says:

    I used PAYQWIQ out near Oxford and all seemed to work ok. Really easy to set up and use . Just hope it’s not like BINK which hasn’t worked for me at all.

    • Rob says:

      Our Pizza Express Avios have been turning up OK!

      • sedgie says:


      • David says:

        Mine haven’t! 🙁

      • Julie says:

        I signed up and had a pizza on the afternoon of the HFP Xmas party. Nothing happened in the way of points so Anika gave me an email address. Emailed before Xmas. Firstly I got an automatic reply. A couple of days later I received a reply asking to send a copy of the receipt. I did this at the very start of January. I’ve heard nothing, not even an automatic reply. I sent it to two email addresses. the person who replied to me and the original one Anika gave me.

        • Rob says:

          I got 284 Avios today from a family lunch last Saturday, which is roughly the same time frame as the last time I used it.

  • Yisroel says:

    Anyone else having issues logging in to payqwiq? My username and password from don’t work on the payqwiq app.

    • Julie says:

      I did find that although my Tesco password starts with a capital it didn’t like it when I set the PayQwiq a/c up. When I tried with all lower case it was ok. See if that works.

    • TGLoyalty says:

      You need to register separately don’t you?

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