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The HfP exclusive discount at Ski Solutions is extended

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Earlier this month Ski Solutions decided to partner with us and offered our readers a 5% discount on ski holidays. This offer was meant to expire on 16th September, but Ski Solutions has decided to extend it for a few weeks.

If you missed the first mention of this offer, Ski Solutions is a ski holiday company, run by a regular HfP reader, with 30 years’ experience in arranging tailor-made ski holidays across Europe and North America.

Ski Solutions works with all the leading chalet, apartment and hotel operators. Selling ski holidays is all they do and their team claims a combined 280 years of collective experience in the sector.

Until 31st October you can benefit from early bird booking discounts with an extra 5% discount if you quote ‘headforpoints’ when booking.

The Ski Solutions website is here.

Comments (152)

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  • TM says:

    OT – Has anyone received the September Vista newsletter yet?

    • Alan says:

      Do you mean the Amex Platinum one? Looked back in trash and got it 6 days ago – only 1 non-London item in it (a £120 whisky tasting day!!), so pretty much as useless a line-up of stuff as usual…

  • Wally1976 says:

    OT – wife and I were meant to be staying in Dublin this weekend using 2 x free weekend nights from the Barclaycards. It looks like we’re going to have to cancel due to a family situation. I know people have said previously that it’s possible to change the dates of the bookings but the original expiry date of the vouchers was 5th October. Anyone got any experience of getting the voucher validity extended?

  • Kevin says:

    OT. How long I would get my Amex plat and priority pass if upgrade it from my Amex gold? Thinking to take advantage of PP benefits for a holiday in 2 weeks time:-)

  • Rivo says:

    I am slowly losing my rag with BA. Coming to the end of 2.5 week holiday in the US, the outbound and return flights (LHR-SAN-SJC-LHR) were reward flights with companion voucher.

    Due to them being openjaw I called to make the booking but BA cocked the dates up. After 5 days of listening to recordings they admitted they were in the wrong but because there was only one reward seat left they relented and booked my wife on a cash ticket with separate booking ref. As an apology they reserves seats on the outbound.

    Now time to come home I can’t reserve seats for both of us because of the differing booking refs despite being bronze. I’ve had to fork out £68 to make sure We’re seated. After 30 mins to a BA call centre they won’t budge due to policy. So in short I am being penalised for a cock up they made in October.

    To top it all off the Westin in Maui (again booked via BA) is having extensive construction work. No warning, no notification. Westin said it wasn’t their problem and take it up with BA.

    • Anna says:

      Hi Rivo, you don’t need this kind of faffing about on holiday! I thought you could book your seats 7 days before travel if you’re bronze, what is BA saying is their policy? You and your wife should be able to access your accounts separately then choose adjacent seats, I have done this with my OH.

      There are plenty on articles online about how to get compensation for a hotel which isn’t as advertised, do some research when you get back to find out who is liable and put a claim in.

      • Anna says:

        I also don’t understand why BA put you on separate booking references to start with. We had two redemption flights cancelled by them last year and they just moved us onto another flight even though there were no redemption seats available on the alternative flight by then. So I can’t see why they would have had to make your wife’s ticket a cash booking.

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