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Is British Airways dropping Amex for Mastercard? Willie Walsh drops vague hints

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IAG, the parent company of British Airways, announced its 2019 financial results on Friday.  There were no stand-out announcements, which is why we haven’t done a full article on it, except to note that:

Iberia is planning ‘improvements’ to its Business Class product this year and

LEVEL is struggling badly in France

Due to coronavirus, there was no financial guidance given.  A hiring freeze has been put in place and employees will be offered additional time off without pay.  British Airways retains a strong cash position – new product investment will continue and all aircraft due for delivery this year will be accepted and not deferred.

Avios wing 5

What is happening with IAG Loyalty?

IAG Loyalty, ex Avios Group, gets very little coverage in these results.  This is partly because it is relatively small in the context of the group but also, I think, because the market does not understand it.

The only point flagged in the results presentation is the new tie-up with Barclays Premier.

This is a red herring, frankly.  With the best will in the world, the new Barclays Premier relationship won’t amount to much.

For a start, we are looking at a very limited market – initially UK residents earning £75,000+.

Secondly, unlike taking out a credit card, the Barclays Premier deal involves moving your current account banking.  As the well-repeated fact goes, you are more likely to get divorced than move your main bank account during your lifetime.

Thirdly, how big is the Avios-earning potential per client?  During the Barclays Premier trial last year there was a 25,000 mile bonus for signing up.  However, it would be surprising if the on-going incentives are so big once Barclays has you as a customer.  There is likely to be an element of credit card earning, but we have had this via HSBC Premier for many years and it has always been of limited interest.

A quick fag-packet calculation would see 5,000 people opening an account and Barclays pay IAG Loyalty £200-£250 per account to cover the 25,000 Avios.  This would be a £1 million income stream which, frankly, isn’t much in context.  Let’s see.

But far more interesting …. Mastercard

It is difficult to know if Willie Walsh, IAG’s out-going CEO and Chairman, let this slip by mistake or not.  In general, Willie Walsh does not let things slip ‘by mistake’ and there could be a point to it.  Perhaps it was said so that people like me write about it and get a message out.  Who knows?

Anyway …. Willie Walsh said that the CEO of Mastercard “has been in to see me three or four times in the last 12 months, mad keen to do business with us”.

This is not in the presentation but is in the webcast which you can find on the IAG Investor Relations website.  Registration is required.  It is about 79 minutes in, during the question on IAG Loyalty.

Why is this interesting?

The EU cap on interchange fees means that American Express no longer has a fee advantage over Visa and Mastercard, although I believe that Amex is still hoping to get the EU to amend the rules to exempt it.  Historically, because Amex received higher fees from retailers, there was more money sloshing around to fund rewards.  This is no longer the case.

Secondly, Amex is, of course, Amex – and comes with all of the issues over acceptability.  No-one walks around with just an American Express card in their wallet or purse.  There is also a Visa or Mastercard, which means that British Airways competes with another issuer – likely to be Virgin Atlantic in the UK – and does not get a 100% ‘share of wallet’.

A deal with Mastercard would allow BA to get a 100% ‘share of wallet’ in terms of credit card spend AND strike a blow to Virgin Atlantic and other Visa / Mastercard loyalty products.

The British Airways American Express cards generate over £1bn per month of purchases.  If switched to a Visa or Mastercard, I can easily see this reaching £2bn per month.  No wonder the CEO of Mastercard is mad keen …..

It is also worth remembering that the Iberia credit card in Spain is a Visa, so Mastercard would be keen to take this bit of business too.

To put these meetings in perspective, Mastercard has a market cap of $289 BILLION.  This compares to IAG’s £9 billion.  CEO’s don’t usually make ‘3 or 4 visits in the last 12 months’ to see the heads of companies which are just 5% of their size unless a serious deal is being contemplated.

Accor has just created a template for how this can be done.  The Accor hotel group has just agreed a global deal with Visa as we covered here.  Accor can now approach Visa card issuers in each country in which it is active and strike a co-brand deal on the back of the sweetheart terms it has already negotiated.

A switch from American Express to Mastercard, with the subsequent increase in Avios issuance, would also explain why IAG Loyalty produced such bullish forecasts for growth when it presented during the IAG Capital Markets Day last November.

This is clearly all speculation, of course, but things may be happening ….

best travel rewards credit cards

Want to earn more points from credit cards? – February 2025 update

If you are looking to apply for a new credit card, here are our top recommendations based on the current sign-up bonuses.

In February 2022, Barclaycard launched two exciting new Barclaycard Avios Mastercard cards with a bonus of up to 25,000 Avios. You can apply here.

You qualify for the bonus on these cards even if you have a British Airways American Express card:

Barclaycard Avios Plus card

Barclaycard Avios Plus Mastercard

Get 25,000 Avios for signing up and an upgrade voucher at £10,000 Read our full review

Barclaycard Avios card

Barclaycard Avios Mastercard

Get 5,000 Avios for signing up and an upgrade voucher at £20,000 Read our full review

You can see our full directory of all UK cards which earn airline or hotel points here. Here are the best of the other deals currently available.

American Express Preferred Rewards Gold

Your best beginner’s card – 20,000 points, FREE for a year & four airport lounge passes Read our full review

British Airways American Express Premium Plus

30,000 Avios and the famous annual 2-4-1 voucher Read our full review

The Platinum Card from American Express

50,000 bonus points and great travel benefits – for a large fee Read our full review

Virgin Atlantic Reward+ Mastercard

18,000 bonus points and 1.5 points for every £1 you spend Read our full review

Earning miles and points from small business cards

If you are a sole trader or run a small company, you may also want to check out these offers:

American Express Business Platinum

50,000 points when you sign-up and an annual £200 Amex Travel credit Read our full review

American Express Business Gold

20,000 points sign-up bonus and FREE for a year Read our full review

Capital on Tap Pro Visa

10,500 points (=10,500 Avios) plus good benefits Read our full review

Capital on Tap Visa

NO annual fee, NO FX fees and points worth 1 Avios per £1 Read our full review

British Airways American Express Accelerating Business

30,000 Avios sign-up bonus – plus annual bonuses of up to 30,000 Avios Read our full review

For a non-American Express option, we also recommend the Barclaycard Select Cashback card for sole traders and small businesses. It is FREE and you receive 1% cashback when you spend at least £2,000 per month.

Barclaycard Select Cashback Business Credit Card

Get 1% cashback when you spend at least £2,000 per month* Read our full review

Comments (145)

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  • Anna says:

    Would BA withdraw the Amex completely and immediately if they issued a MC? Just wondering whether to get a BAPP this year now instead of waiting for the 24 months to be up. I can’t imagine BA would make the rewards on a new product as good as those on the BAPP.

    • Polly says:

      Def planning another bacc referral each for oh and daughter before cancelling my plat early June. With the sole plan of u/g to bapp when 9.5k spent. Albeit no spend bonus tho.
      Always useful to have a 241 sitting there. But being a m/c would be useful. Would still need the hsbc elite tho for PP.

  • Freddy says:

    It’s probably a veiled threat to amex to up their game or throw them more money at them otherwise they’ll be off to paradise mastercard

    • memesweeper says:

      My thoughts exactly…

    • marcw says:

      If you listen to the webcast… WW says they are extremely happy with Amex. All this MasterCard business is likely to do with the US market, where currently Chase offers a VISA Product.

      • Rob says:

        He would say that though! It’s what I’d say to you as my opening gambit too.

        You don’t get a good deal by saying ‘I’m desperate to dump Amex, make me an offer, any offer …..’

  • Secret Squirrel says:

    If this were to go ahead, I can see opps for avios gains but worried about that 241 Companion Voucher.

  • Andrew (@andrewseftel) says:

    Seems unlikely to me – look at the Mastercard issuers in the UK:

    HSBC: Possible – they have more capital than they know how to use – but doesn’t fit their strategy
    Creation: They don’t have the capital to fund it and I don’t see BNP chipping in
    NewDay: Management is averse to travel partnerships and capital issues but I think they could get through it
    Virgin: Clearly not
    Marcus: Probably the most likely but would have expected them to be focused on Apple
    Capital One: Not interested in a prime book in the UK

    The issuers who I find more credible are all Visa: Barclays, Jaja and Chase

    • CV3V says:

      Lloyds (Avios) Mastercard?

    • Andrew says:

      NatWest issue Mastercard under both their main and RBS white label brands don’t they?

      TSB also issue Mastercards – before worrying about capital, not sure if their IT is quite up to it yet though.

      • Andrew (@andrewseftel) says:

        Natwest are a Mastercard issuer and did indeed have the BA partnership (on Visa) at the turn of the century. I don’t think they’ve done a cobrand partnership in the past decade though.

        • Will Squires says:

          And have some recent dealings offering Avios via their Rewards products.

          It’s a fair shout.

  • Joan says:

    I walk around with only an Amex in my pocket 🤣

    • meta says:

      Me too, but only in the UK. But again, that is probably in the last 2-3 years. Before then Amex acceptance in small shops wasn’t great.

    • TGLoyalty says:

      Much easier when you have a apple/google etc pay enabled Phone

      • J99 says:

        An Amex on Apple Pay doesn’t seem to work in Asda for me. I’ve tried a couple of times

        • CV3V says:

          Amex doesnt work on contactless in (my) Asda, so perhaps the same issue with Apple Pay.

          • Nick_C says:

            Amex doesn’t work as contactless in Wilko either

            And contactless in Aldi seems to have been tightened up. I have previously paid £60 as Amex contactless, but had to use chip and pin last week.

  • marcw says:

    WW also said that they are extremely happy with Amex. I think the MasterCard deal has to do with markets where they currently operate with Visa (Spain, US) – and may switch to MasterCard.

  • Matthew says:

    When did you say the Barclays Premier deal will be back again Rob? Will prob wait and switch then for the avios.

  • David Lawton says:

    I presume there would be a transition period if this happens where both cards run for a while, a bit like how Lloyds Avios was slowly phased out? If Virgin can currently offer the same as BA but with Mastercard then i see no reason BA cannot, the 100% acceptence would be very welcome as i currently use the Tesco Mastercard where i cannot use Amex, but i will miss Amex as it is my favorate card. Really good limits, shop small, the offers, long period between statement and payment date and balance available to spend immediately once balance is paid off and the app/website is great.

    Dreaming here but wish it would be an extra scheme like the Lloyds one that is Avios branded not BA which runs along side so we can have 2 earning avenues.

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