Maximise your Avios, air miles and hotel points

travelmonkey 98 posts

One other thing to consider, as you probably already know Emma, is not all Club World seats are created equal. If the experience is the main reason for the travel, try to make sure you’re on a flight served by Club Suite equipped aircraft. (Essentially avoid Gatwick, A380s, 787-8 or 797-9 as they are almost all the old style ying-yang seat. Heathrow 777, A350 and 787-10 are Club Suite equipped, and the first couple of 787-8s are now retrofitted too)

I think Chicago would probably be the longest of these.!

+1 For Chicago as a destination… great city centre to explore and if you’re clever you could time your flights so you can visit the Air and Water Show (16 – 17 August 2025) which is a free show over Lake Michigan. Watching the Blue Angels fly between sky scrapers en-route to various parts of their display is epic!

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