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  • sxparkin 80 posts

    Has the BAEC changes comments dialogue gone from HfP from the last week or so ? – just tried to see if it had hit 4000 comments yet But cannot find it ? May be my ‘bad’ apologies if I missed it but not there from what I can see ?

    Blair Waldorf Salad 1,366 posts
    BA Flyer IHG Stayer 3,101 posts

    When a post is unpinned from the top of the articles list it drops back into the slot for the day it was published but is still there for anyone to view.

    There were 3,857 comments in the article a good number which weren’t related to the topic!

    LittleNick 270 posts

    There were 3,857 comments in the article a good number which weren’t related to the topic!

    Still must be one of the highest ever commented articles?

    aq.1988 613 posts

    There were 3,857 comments in the article a good number which weren’t related to the topic!

    Still must be one of the highest ever commented articles?

    I think the only thing that will top that is if BA moves to dynamic pricing on reward flights!

    Blair Waldorf Salad 1,366 posts

    There were 3,857 comments in the article a good number which weren’t related to the topic!

    Still must be one of the highest ever commented articles?

    I think the only thing that will top that is if BA moves to dynamic pricing on reward flights!

    Hopefully the HfP readership will read the tea leaves and earn and burn/hedge their bets with future bookings in place to keep Avios balances low. Better to be holding refundable reward flight bookings at the time the dynamic pricing hits

    sxparkin 80 posts

    Thanks for sharing everyone who responded – a little strange to unpin it given the level of interest, quite hard for folk to find it ? Oh well….

    CJD 186 posts

    I take it Rob’s announcement he was teasing for this week isn’t happening?

    tillyedwards1 46 posts

    I might be wrong but on one of the articles didn’t Rob mention that there would be more news this month on the Marriott / nectar partnership

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