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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Gold for Life tier point runner in the press

  • masaccio 1,009 posts

    Times has the story as well, but here’s the Telegraph as at least for me it wasn’t paywalled:

    Basically he was a 6,500 TPs short of GfL so he is doing a massive tier point run.

    Each to their own I guess.

    John 1,334 posts

    Sounds like it will be worth it for him

    desh36000 40 posts

    I like what he says about the changes, and added pressure on BAEC (or ‘The Cluuuub’ as its to be known) to rollback changes/press on the faff its creating. However, this chap seems to be of above average means (4 homes across 4 countries!) and travels a lot between cities – so is an elite traveller and not a great example of how the Ba changes affect a vast number (the majority) of its customers.

    However – have to say – I would do the same if I could

    kartik 1 post

    I would do the same as well but surely going on a TP run is a waste of time for the customer and a complete waste of a seat, pollution etc. Surely it would be easier for BA or others to simply have a page where TP collectors could pay for a flight and not actually fly just to collect TPs. The airlines just want the money and the customers want the facilities for when they actually do fly.

    frb98mf 1 post

    That would be me! Happy to field any questions. Needless to say the article doesn’t include everything (and has some minor inaccuracies I’m being ribbed for – about all my “homes” for example).

    One thing I will say is I’m having an absolute blast doing it, definitely making the most of the experience and very much not just sitting on planes. You can follow me on Instagram @goldguestlost for updates on my adventures!

    Swiss Jim 309 posts

    Do update us more.

    Though at the same time don’t think back to bmi & their gold for life scheme. Maybe BA will introduce diamond soon…

    tootsci 179 posts

    @frb98mf Certainly a good story for the media and for some entertaining dinner party anecdotes! My main thought after reading it was how worried would you be that GfL will be withdrawn at some point in the not too distant future. Anything is possible given recent events, so would you still feel it was worth doing in that case?

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