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Forums Frequent flyer programs British Airways Executive Club Unpopular opinion: BA has made a bold move to preserve exclusivity

  • AndrewT 564 posts

    Here’s that post with the screenshot in it

    We haven’t made any changes to our ‘soft landing’ proposition.

    BA twitter have been known to get things wrong on occasions though.

    Is there a current soft landing proposition? It happens, but it’s never been documented or constituted part of the advertised benefits.

    NorthernLass 10,518 posts

    I’m sad to admit my NYE is this boring, but I’m having a lie down after a marvellous Beef Wellington made by OH accompanied by a particularly fine 2010 Rioja Gran Reserva:

    Anyway, this from Points Hound in the comments under the article:

    ***BA in the last 10 mins have confirmed to someone on Twitter (X) that soft landings are to be kept in place and that they will drop from Gold to Silver.

    “ Hi. If you retain Gold going into the new collection year, you will keep this status until the collection year ends. If you don’t retain Gold, in the following collection year, we are still going to keep the ‘soft landing’ so you will fall to Silver. I hope this helps. Tony”***

    So from Claire AND Tony now!

    BA Flyer IHG Stayer 3,103 posts

    The proposition is that it happens automatically and has done so for some considerable time without requiring any staff intervention or customer request.

    I would argue that since it has been happening for sometime it is now custom and practice and should be relied on even if not expressly a written policy

    AndrewT 564 posts

    I would agree with that. My point was whether, given all the other negativity, continuing to not be an advertised benefit (but not happening as not advertised) would be considered ‘no change’.

    and yes, there are far too many negatives in that for it to be a valid sentence!

    Thaliasilje 24 posts

    Unpopular opinion: BA has made a bold move to preserve exclusivity save money

    there @Thaliasilje, I fixed it for you


    John 1,343 posts

    I find it hard to believe that this isn’t a thoroughly informed decision by BA, regardless of what the majority here might think. They have access to so much data that this is surely a calculated numbers game albeit with some refinement as the dust settles!

    Big companies get things wrong all the time…

    I always found it weird how people would do tier point runs and all that nonsense just for status rather than gaining it naturally.

    I never really understood why people would spend circa £3,500 via TP runs, to get Gold but that’s just me.

    So it’s OK for BA to make a decision based on data but it’s weird when individuals do it?

    I’ve only really done a TP run one year. I would have spent £2500 on economy non-stop flights that year. Instead I turned most of the flights into routes with 2 stops but in business and the extra £750 or so paid for itself.

    memesweeper 1,550 posts

    Unpopular opinion: BA has made a bold move to preserve exclusivity save money

    there @Thaliasilje, I fixed it for you


    Perhaps, but it’s true, isn’t it?

    BA have no track record of creating alluring, exclusive products for the last few decades.

    BA have a strong pedigree of penny pinching, and damaging the customer experience in the process.

    I’m confident I know what is driving this, and it isn’t trying to make your experience more exclusive @Thaliasilje, nor anybody else’s.

    BJ 740 posts

    I certainly welcome this change, I’ve been calling out for it for years. As discussed there are multiple potential benefits that are likely three years down the line rather than the one year that has been suggested. There are however two spanners in the works. Firstly BA must close the door on any silly status matches but even if it does so all its good work remains at the mercy of other silly OW status matches. Secondly, a lot of the benefit could be partly undone if BA starts selling status for cash in a big way. I hope not but it would not surprise me at all if selling status for cash was the main driver for change – time will tell.

    FlyingTayto 23 posts

    I certainly welcome this change, I’ve been calling out for it for years. As discussed there are multiple potential benefits that are likely three years down the line rather than the one year that has been suggested. There are however two spanners in the works. Firstly BA must close the door on any silly status matches but even if it does so all its good work remains at the mercy of other silly OW status matches. Secondly, a lot of the benefit could be partly undone if BA starts selling status for cash in a big way. I hope not but it would not surprise me at all if selling status for cash was the main driver for change – time will tell.

    What do you see at the benefits down the line for those who qualify for Silver/Gold status vs those who are currently Silver/Gold?

    No Longer Entitled 133 posts

    In a few years Gold/Silver members will be part of a more exclusive club. When everyone is special, no one is special. BA are setting about changing this.

    BBbetter 1,253 posts

    In a few years Gold/Silver members will be part of a more exclusive club. When everyone is special, no one is special. BA are setting about changing this.

    It’ll only be an exclusive club if BA can ringfence one of their lounges for OW elites and improve the others for J and F passengers, like SQ.
    Else, things will be the same as BJ fears.

    Ihar 485 posts

    Probably been said before, but think that the extension of tiers during Covid and BAH x2 tier points have created a glut of Silver/Gold holders. So they are hemorrhaging money without looking at the underlying reasons. Sad to say but working in marketing for multi-billion/month revenue companies, the bean-counters cannot be swayed by their penny-pinching “Excel-proof” ideas!

    For me the only way I can see to get to Silver/Gold is to fly F/J, and for most people their company decides that. So what is Silver/Gold giving ME?? Flying F/J is already giving me all the benefits.

    Seriously I’m confused…? £7.5k for Silver?? I think independent lounges are going to up their prices and their game – seems like BA have created a massive opportunity for them… Tell that to the bean-counters…..

    mecrash 27 posts

    Although I’m annoyed, as I lose business class check in and boarding as a lowly Bronze…
    I’m also pleased they have realigned the earning rates..
    We always fly business out,so lounge etc all good and economy back.

    This change just means we won’t be struggling for a seat in the BA lounge, albeit we might have to queue to drop bags on return and have a bag under my feet on return as can’t board first.

    Annoying as it is, I just look at it that we had it to good for to long..
    Loved it whilst it lasted..
    Accept it when caught out..

    Yes a few thousand of us scammers rinsing BA along the way will be gutted, just as I an..

    Do BA care ??
    Predicament not, we make a lot of noise, albeit in reality account for 1% of spend and 0% off profit

    BA Flyer IHG Stayer 3,103 posts

    Probably been said before, but think that the extension of tiers during Covid and BAH x2 tier points have created a glut of Silver/Gold holders. So they are hemorrhaging money without looking at the underlying reasons. Sad to say but working in marketing for multi-billion/month revenue companies, the bean-counters cannot be swayed by their penny-pinching “Excel-proof” ideas!

    Surely any Covid status extensions have worked themselves out of the system by now and people currently with status have earned it? I certainly have earned my current status. It’s not some roll over from Covid.

    BA created the double tier points for BA Hols offer and extended it several times. They could have ended it many months ago but didn’t.

    How are they haemorrhaging money? You can only access a lounge when flying so you’ve paid for your ticket.

    And please stop blaming “bean counters”. The marketing people came up with this.

    There are probably people in BA finance with their heads in their hands because they saw the adverse effect this will have on the bottom line. Saved a few quid on lounges food and drink but lost a lot more because people will book with other airlines now because their loyalty towards BA has been shaken.

    BA Flyer IHG Stayer 3,103 posts

    Yes a few thousand of us scammers rinsing BA along the way will be gutted, just as I an..

    Where and who are these “scammers”? Others have used the term “freeloaders”

    Someone using and complying with an offer made on the open market isn’t auto automatically a scammer.

    Many people made active decisions to change a putative flight only booking to a holiday one or turned a 4 night trip into a 5 night one because BA offered them extra tier points for doing so. And they paid BA extra cash. And to get the points they had to fly.

    Sure there was some playing around in the margins but that’s because BA wrote loose T&Cs from the start but they soon changed them.

    A few hundred people (if that) booking BA Hols to Sofia and then not collecting the car isn’t the cause of huge numbers of extra status passengers (and a reminder that BA controlled the offer and extended it several times so it’s a bit rich for them to complain about it now)

    If people do ex-EU trips then that’s not illegal or immoral. It’s taking part in the commercial world. I’ve done a few such trips and my conscience is clear.

    Yes I’ve gotten gold from doing it. But BA also got revenue from it. It’s not my fault that they give the same TPs in club for a cheapo fare as someone paying for a full fat fully flexible one.

    Richie 1,271 posts

    If you want to feel a bit ‘exclusive’ just depart on the last flight of the day in any travel class when all the other passengers have departed. LCY is perfect for this.

    Whatsthepoint 193 posts

    Doesn’t impact me at all, fortunately, just about all my flights are J redemptions. Likely to have a slightly positive impact if it reduces gold and silver members who can hoover up all the best seats. I’m of the opinion that one day my Avios world will come crumbling down, so I’ll enjoy it while I can. BA owes me nothing, it’s my choice to fly with them and collect Avios, although I’d wish they’d put as much effort into their product as these changes!

    NorthernLass 10,518 posts

    If you want to feel a bit ‘exclusive’ just depart on the last flight of the day in any travel class when all the other passengers have departed. LCY is perfect for this.

    Don’t try this on the last flight of the day to MAN. You will be on a delayed (due to aircraft setting off late from Kefalonia), full flight departing from either A10 or B gates. Many of your fellow pax will be disgruntled and very vocal due to this and also having been bumped from their earlier flights so BA could sell their seats to the highest bidder, and you will be further delayed while the crew passively-aggressively attempt to separate enough people from their cabin bags that the plane can actually take off!

    NorthernLass 10,518 posts

    @mecrash, I spend several £000 per year with BA. I won’t be in their higher-spending bracket but I could have channelled that revenue elsewhere. As @BA Flyer IHG Stayer also notes, it certainly doesn’t make me a scammer that I spent that money very astutely on double TP BAHs and obtained gold status as a result.

    Also coming here and insulting fellow readers is, as they say, not cool.

    aq.1988 614 posts

    I’ve read about 10 pages of comments in the main article, and not seen anyone ask this, and didn’t want my questions to get lost in the nearly 2000 comments!

    In the article, Rob suggested that they shouldn’t limit the TP earning on the BAPP, and that if someone wanted to put £200k (assuming 1 point per £10) through their BAPP to earn Gold, they should allow it.

    No idea how the £300 card fee, avios issuing (300k avios) and companion voucher are split between Amex and BA, but if someone put through £200k (possibly some unauthorised business spending too), can’t imagine that BA would make anywhere near £20k on that spend?

    Garethgerry 173 posts

    I’ve read about 10 pages of comments in the main article, and not seen anyone ask this, and didn’t want my questions to get lost in the nearly 2000 comments!

    In the article, Rob suggested that they shouldn’t limit the TP earning on the BAPP, and that if someone wanted to put £200k (assuming 1 point per £10) through their BAPP to earn Gold, they should allow it.

    No idea how the £300 card fee, avios issuing (300k avios) and companion voucher are split between Amex and BA, but if someone put through £200k (possibly some unauthorised business spending too), can’t imagine that BA would make anywhere near £20k on that spend?

    BA don’t make 20k when you spend 20K with them, unless you think of marginal costing of otherwise empty seat. Profit margin is nearer 10%

    phantomchickenz 575 posts

    I’ve always thought airlines were nearer to 2-3%. We’re constantly hearing that it’s a low profit industry.

    Andrew. 624 posts

    I’m wondering if it will go the other way. I can’t be the only one who booked a business flight on a domestic during the sales, and up to 10 months in advance to get 80 tier points for about £160.

    If demand for ClubEurope drops, will we potentially see domestic flights going back to all-economy?

    direttore 32 posts

    For those who can afford it, The British Airways Club might indeed become truly rewarding.

    When everyone feels entitled to perks, no one feels special. Perhaps BA is betting that by narrowing the pool, the remaining members will feel the exclusivity they’ve been craving.

    For years, BA lounges (and most lounges nowdays) have often resembled glorified zoos. It’s hard not to notice the irony in calling them “lounges” when half of Heathrow Terminal 5 seems to be inside trying to drink as much champagne as possible to get the right value.

    Time will tell.

    Thank you for this post and the thread of comments it created.

    It’s helped me think about the situation in a different way. And compare it with how I do business.

    And I’m wondering… is it POSSIBLE that HfP readers and other such types are closer to the “bean counters” they accuse BA of than they might’ve realised?

    A Facebook post in a group the other day revealed that a significant portion of BAs business comes from just 6 London boroughs. From Richmond, to Hampstead.

    Those people don’t care about getting a bargain. Or saving money. They fly BA because THEY BELIEVE it’s the best. The name does that for them.
    They may or may not benefit from the changes. But it won’t matter. They will continue to choose British Airways and they will simply pay for the product level they want.

    People here are more interested in what they’re getting for their money.
    And so enhancing the hard product with status made it more palatable… perhaps even fun.
    But the truth is, BA isn’t the best product relative to the market. Everybody here knows that.

    So perhaps the real questions now are:
    Where else can I spend money that would make the game fun again?
    And what other companies offer a better product and service for the price?

    Just a thought…

    NorthernLass 10,518 posts

    London Airways, indeed!

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