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Win $100 of free UK airport lounge access with LoungeBuddy

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Today and tomorrow, I am giving two Head for Points readers $100 of free UK airport lounge access with LoungeBuddy.  This will be enough to get 2-3 people into a lounge at one of the 19 participating UK airports – or one person into a lounge 2-3 times.

You need to have an iOS or Android phone to enter.  You can enter whatever country you are in – this competition has no restrictions.

About LoungeBuddy

I wrote about LoungeBuddy on Friday.  It is a FREE app which is available for both iOS and Android phones.

Plaza Premium Heathrow 2

It is the most comprehensive guide available to airport lounges, covering over 500 airports.  It lists every lounge along with user ratings, reviews, photographs and access requirements.  If you tell LoungeBuddy what airline status cards you hold or details of your flights, it will tell you all of the lounges you can use.

Last week LoungeBuddy launched a new feature for their iOS app – selling day passes to 20 pay-as-you-go airport lounges in the UK.

When you look at LoungeBuddy listings for a particular airport on an iPhone, lounges where you can use the app to purchase a day pass are highlighted with a large ‘Buy’ button. You can then use a pre-stored credit card number to buy an entrance pass for yourself and any number of guests. You simply show your LoungeBuddy confirmation code at the lounge entrance and you will be allowed in.

Where can I spend my $100 LoungeBuddy credit if I win?

Here are the 20 UK airport lounges which allow you to buy a day pass via the LoungeBuddy app:

  • Aberdeen – Servisair
  • Belfast City – Aspire
  • Bristol – Aspire
  • Birmingham – Aspire
  • East Midlands – Servisair
  • Edinburgh – Aspire
  • Humberside – Servisair
  • Inverness – Servisair
  • Gatwick North – Aspire
  • Gatwick South – Aspire
  • Heathrow T1 – Servisair
  • Heathrow T2 – Plaza Premium (photo below)
  • Heathrow T2 Arrivals – Plaza Premium
  • Heathrow T3 – Servisair
  • Liverpool – Aspire
  • Luton – Aspire
  • Manchester T1 – Aspire
  • Manchester T2 – Servisair
  • Newcastle – Aspire and AspirePlus

How to win $100 of LoungeBuddy credit

LoungeBuddy has generously given me 2 x $100 LoungeBuddy credits to give away.

Depending on which lounge you visit, $100 will allow 2-3 people to enter a lounge – either yourself 2-3 times or a group of 2-3 people as a one-off visit.

Your credit will be valid for 12 months.

Entering if you have an iPhone or iPad:

This is what you need to do:

Step 1:  Download the LoungeBuddy app for your iPhone or iPad. 

Step 2:  Register and, under the Payment tab under Settings, enter the coupon code ‘headforpoints’.  This will give you $10 of free credit towards your first lounge visit, valid for six months.

Step 3: Make sure you add an email address to your profile, otherwise we can’t contact you if you win!

You must do this before midnight UK time tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd December.

Entering if you have an Android phone:

If you have an Android phone – which cannot currently be used to purchase lounge access, although all of the other LoungeBuddy features work – you can still enter and pass the credit on to a friend or family member with an iOS device.

Download the LoungeBuddy app and then register your email address.  If you win, LoungeBuddy will email you a code for $100 of free credit which you can pass on to someone else.  Again, you must do this before midnight UK time on Tuesday 23rd.

Picking our winners

On Wednesday, LoungeBuddy will randomly select two people who have signed up using the ‘headforpoints’ code or submitted their email via the link above.  Both will receive a $100 code to add to a LoungeBuddy account.

If you have already signed up to LoungeBuddy following my article on Friday, don’t worry – you will automatically be included in the draw.

There are NO geographical restrictions on this competition except where it is prohibited by law.  However, you can only currently buy day passes for the 20 UK airport lounges listed above and a very small number in the US.  There is little point in entering unless you will be flying through any of the participating airports next year – the credit will be valid for 12 months.

Good luck!  I will publish the names of the winners after Christmas.

Getting airport lounge access for free from a credit card

How to get FREE airport lounge access via UK credit cards (February 2025)

Here are the five options to get FREE airport lounge access via a UK credit card.

The Platinum Card from American Express comes with two free Priority Pass cards, one for you and one for a supplementary cardholder. Each card admits two so a family of four gets in free. You get access to all 1,500 lounges in the Priority Pass network – search it here.

You also get access to Eurostar, Lufthansa and Delta Air Lines lounges.  Our American Express Platinum review is here.

You can apply here.

The Platinum Card from American Express

50,000 bonus points and great travel benefits – for a large fee Read our full review

American Express Preferred Rewards Gold is FREE for the first year. It comes with a Priority Pass card loaded with four free visits to any Priority Pass lounge – see the list here.

Additional lounge visits are charged at £24.  You get four more free visits for every year you keep the card.  

There is no annual fee for Amex Gold in Year 1 and you get a 20,000 points sign-up bonus.  Full details are in our American Express Preferred Rewards Gold review here.

American Express Preferred Rewards Gold

Your best beginner’s card – 20,000 points, FREE for a year & four airport lounge passes Read our full review

HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard gets you get a free Priority Pass card, allowing you access to the Priority Pass network.  Guests are charged at £24 although it may be cheaper to pay £60 for a supplementary credit card for your partner.

The card has a fee of £290 and there are strict financial requirements to become a HSBC Premier customer.  Full details are in my HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard review.

HSBC Premier World Elite Mastercard

A good package, but only available to HSBC Premier clients Read our full review

Got a small business?

If you have a small business, consider American Express Business Platinum which has the same lounge benefits as the personal Platinum card:

American Express Business Platinum

50,000 points when you sign-up and an annual £200 Amex Travel credit Read our full review

You should also consider the Capital on Tap Pro Visa credit card which has a lower fee and, as well as a Priority Pass for airport lounge access, also comes with Radison Rewards VIP hotel status:

Capital on Tap Pro Visa

10,500 points (=10,500 Avios) plus good benefits Read our full review

PS. You can find all of HfP’s UK airport lounge reviews – and we’ve been to most of them – indexed here.

Comments (33)

This article is closed to new comments. Feel free to ask your question in the HfP forums.

  • Britbronco22 says:

    Does free credit expire?

    • Rob says:

      Good question. I forgot to ask. I will ping an email to the US, hopefully get a response by late afternoon.

    • LoungeBuddy says:

      @Britbronco22 We plan to expire the codes in 6 months on $10 off promo credit and 12 months on the main giveaway credit.

  • Roger says:

    A LOT more lounges are available in the Android app, including SEN (Southend) @ $36 and many international lounges so perhaps these will also become available.

    • LoungeBuddy says:

      Just to clear things up, the SEN and international lounges are listed in the iOS app, as well. However, they are not currently available for purchase through LoungeBuddy.

      • Rob says:

        I didn’t know Southend had a lounge! I am down there in January to take a look around (not an official trip, I just thought it would make a fun article!).

      • LoungeBuddy says:

        To expand on our previous response, if you have the Android version of LoungeBuddy, the app will be able to show you all of the lounges that you can access either for free or for a one time fee at the lounge in over 600 of the world’s busiest airports.

        If you have the iOS version, you’ll have access to all of this, in addition to the ability to instantly purchase lounge access on your date of travel with several of our select partners (refer to the list in the original blog post).

  • gnarlyoldgoatdude says:

    Note that the app gives you the option of linking through facebook rather than entering e-mail addresses. Is this valid for the competition?

    I’m finding the trip management to be a bit clunky. It’d be nice if it picked up trips from AwardWallet. I’m on a BA business class flight to Moscow on Wednesday (i.e. T5), but I am presented with a list of options in the other terminals as well.

    • HayMow says:

      My question also. FB sign up is much simpler but (with other apps) doesn’t always seem to give the option to add a promotional code on sign-up. Will hold off connecting & hope you can advise

      • Rob says:

        You don’t add the code on sign-up. You add the code later on the Payment page, under Settings.

        However, if you don’t add an email address to your account (which I assume you can do even if you use FB) then LoungeBuddy can’t send you the code if you win!

        • gnarlyoldgoatdude says:

          After connecting through FB, you still get an e-mail asking you to confirm your e-mail address, so they (LoungeBuddy) definitely have access to your e-mail address… it should be ok for the competition….he added over-confidently.

          • Fenny says:

            I got an email asking me to confirm email address, but the page it takes me to only loads half the Loungebuddy logo and then stops. So, although I’ve signed up, I have no idea whether I’ve confirmed my email address or not.

          • HayMow says:

            I got the same thing when I tried to click thru on the email link on my laptop Fenny – then tried again clicking through on the emailed link on my phone and it worked fine that time and now shows me as signed up & em address confirmed

    • LoungeBuddy says:

      @gnarlyoldgoatdude We’re constantly working to improve our trip management function, and we welcome your feedback.

      As for being presented with options from other terminals, we currently do not take into account the terminal that you are departing from into account when making recommendations. While we agree that this would be ideal, it would require a very extensive commitment of resources that we do not currently have at our disposal.

  • Andrew S says:

    Shame Android cannot use the credit… ill leave this for someone else

  • Andy says:

    Not able to confirm email > have tried re sending 4 times now and no email

    • LoungeBuddy says:

      Hi Andy,

      We apologize for the inconvenience. Can you send a message with your email address over to support (at) loungebuddy (dot) com so that we can help resolve this?

  • Doug says:

    Downloaded app, email wont confirm but got credit, unable to amend date of trip so it thinks I am leaving now, so consequently unable to use credit to purchase pass for Wednesday.

  • Doug says:

    Managed to edit date, still cant purchase pass! Also found Android link on their website but after I enter my email it says I need a 4 digit code, when I click on resend I don’t get anything.

    • LoungeBuddy says:

      Hi Doug,

      We apologize for the issues with confirming your email. Can you send a message with your email address to support (at) loungebuddy (dot) com so that we can look further into this issue?

      Also, at the moment, it’s only possible to purchase a lounge pass through the app while you’re physically in the airport (with location services enabled). We realize that this can be a bit inconvenient, and we are working on a fix that should be out in January.


      • LoungeBuddy says:

        To provide some further clarification, LoungeBuddy is working as it should as an instant lounge booking service rather than an advance booking product. Once you’re at the airport with location services turned on, you’ll be able to purchase lounge access within an hour of your visit in less than 60 seconds.

  • Jen T says:

    Struggling to find the Payment option in Settings – I’m using the Android version. Advice appreciated! Quite a clunky app – not loving it so far, but the idea is good.

    • Rob says:

      You can’t do it on the Android version, because the Android version does not (yet) allow you to buy lounge access via the app and so it does not have a payment function. It will be available early next year apparently.

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