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How to earn and use a British Airways American Express (BA Amex) 2-4-1 companion voucher

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This article explains how to make best use of the 2-4-1 companion voucher that comes with the British Airways American Express credit card.

It is not an understatement to say that, used properly, the British Airways American Express 2-4-1 Avios companion voucher is the most valuable perk of any loyalty credit card in the UK.

If you want mathematical proof of that, take a look at this HfP article on the best credit card bonuses for long-term spending. The companion voucher from the Premium Plus card should get you at least £750 of value if used ‘properly’, which is 7.5% of the £10,000 you spent on the card to earn it.

How do you use a british airways companion voucher?

Remember that the two BA Amex credit cards come with a sign-up bonus:

The representative APR is 30.4% variable.

The representative APR is 138.5% variable, including the annual fee.  The representative APR on purchases is 30.4% variable.

The key thing to know is that, whilst both cards offer a 2-4-1 voucher, it makes no sense to earn the voucher on the free British Airways card. You should focus on the Premium Plus card instead. I will explain why later.

What does the BA Amex 2-4-1 ‘companion voucher’ do?

It allows you to book two Avios redemption seats on British Airways for the points of one.

You can instantly see the savings available here – up to a maximum of 400,000 Avios in the unlikely event you were able to find two First Class return seats to Australia. Even on the worst possible redemption – an off-peak economy return to Paris – you would save 8,000 Avios points.

In reality, most people use them for long haul redemptions in Club World, typically something like New York.  That would save you 100,000 Avios on off-peak dates and 120,000 Avios on peak dates.

Assuming you value an Avios point at 1p, the 2-4-1 voucher would be worth £1,000 to £1,200 for such a trip. This makes it easily the most generous perk of ANY UK credit card. The £195 annual fee for the British Airways Premium Plus card is a small price to pay for this.

Note that taxes and charges are due on BOTH tickets.  Only the Avios element is ‘free’ on the second ticket.

How do I earn a BA Amex companion voucher?

You need to spend either £20,000 (on the British Airways American Express card) or £10,000 (on the British Airways Premium Plus American Express card) on qualifying purchases within a card year. Note this is ‘card year’ and not calendar year. Your card year runs from the date you are approved.

There is a progress bar on your American Express online statement showing how close you are to triggering your voucher.

The voucher will be added to your British Airways Executive Club account within a few days of your spending target being reached.

The voucher on the free credit card is valid for one year. The voucher on the Premium Plus card is valid for two years. This is a very important difference as I will explain later, and the key reason why the Premium Plus card is better.

You can only earn one voucher per card year irrespective of how much you spend on the card.

If you upgrade or downgrade your BA Amex during your card year, after triggering your 2-4-1 voucher, the Amex website will mistakenly reset your progress bar.  It will show you working towards another voucher in the same card year.  This is an IT error and you don’t get a second voucher when you hit the threshold.

What small print do I need to know?

This is where some people come unstuck, because they don’t understand the limitations of the voucher.

It can only be used on British Airways services. You can’t use it on Qatar Airways, Cathay Pacific etc even though you can book such flights on Avios.

It can’t be used on franchise or codeshare services. This means, for example, you can’t use it on the Comair-operated but BA-branded flights between Johannesburg and Cape Town.

It CAN be used on ‘open jaw’ flights, where you return from a different airport, even though these can’t be booked online and require a call to BA. The only rule is that the distance between your arrival and departure airport must be shorter than either of the two flights. London – Johannesburg, Cape Town – London is fine. London – Moscow and Madrid – London is not.

You need to book AND fly the outbound leg before the expiry date of the voucher. You can fly back at any point.

There are no circumstances under which you can ask BA to extend a 2-4-1 voucher unless there has been a BA-wide issue such as a strike or, at present, coronavirus.

If you need to cancel a flight booked using a 2-4-1 voucher, you get the voucher back. The original expiry date remains the same.

It CAN be used on one-way flights, but only for flights which depart the UK. You cannot book a one-way flight TO the UK with the voucher.

You can fly a different class on the outbound to the return. However, both passengers must travel together in the same class. You cannot fly in First and book your companion in Club World if there is only 1 First reward seat available.

The BA Amex cardholder MUST be one of the two travellers. There is no way to avoid this. If you are in a Household Account, the second passenger must be in the household account or on your ‘Family and Friends’ list.

If you have two vouchers to use, they can be used together for the BA Amex cardholder and three other people. This is what we do for our family of four. This situation would occur if you triggered your voucher for the next card year before you had used the voucher from the previous year.

You cannot use ‘part pay with Avios’ in conjunction with a 2-4-1 voucher. Your booking must be ‘100% Avios’.

‘Gold Upgrade For Two’ vouchers (issued when you earn 2,500 tier points) CAN be used in conjunction with a 2-4-1 voucher.

You cannot change the name of the second traveller after booking.  You would need to cancel the whole booking with no guarantee that the seats would be re-offered for Avios redemption.

You cannot turn an existing Avios redemption into a 2-4-1 redemption with half of the Avios returned to you.

Both passengers must travel together at all times.

Despite what Amex tells you, you do not need to use the card to pay the taxes when you come to redeem your 2-4-1 voucher. You must use an American Express card but it does not have to be a BA one or even a card in your name as Amex does not do name verification.

You will not earn Avios or tier points on your redemption flight in line with standard Avios redemptions.

Your flights will not be cancelled if you cancel your BA Amex card after making your 2-4-1 booking.

What is the best way to secure the flights I want?

British Airways makes two Club World and four World Traveller / Economy seats available on every flight. These become available at midnight 355 days before departure as we covered in this article on ‘when are Avios flights available for booking?’.

More reward seats are usually made available closer to the date of travel – a lot more, on some routes – but if you absolutely must travel on a certain day you need to book 355 days out.  There are NO First Class or World Traveller Plus seats guaranteed to be made available 355 days in advance.

This is the first reason why the voucher on the Premium Plus voucher is FAR more valuable than the voucher on the free card. Because of the two year expiry date, it is easy to use it for a trip 355 days out. You can’t do this with the voucher on the free card – it only has a one year expiry and the seats you want will already be past the 355 day mark.

For a booking 355 days out, you should look to book your outbound flights on the day they become available. Do NOT wait until the return flights come up. You then call British Airways on the day that the return flights becomes available and add it to the booking. You should not be charged a change fee for this.

Most people call the USA BA office at midnight GMT (1am during BST) to secure seats.  Whilst they also appear online at midnight and can be put in your basket, the seats are not yours until you have filled in all of the passenger details and submitted your payment.  It is very likely a call centre agent will have put them on hold in the 2-3 minutes you need to do this.  I recently tried this out as an experiment and this is exactly what happened.

Are there any easy ways of reducing the taxes payable?

Not easily, because you must start a 2-4-1 journey in the UK and thus incur Air Passenger Duty. There are two options though:

Start your trip in Jersey, because Jersey is outside the UK for APD purposes but inside the UK for 2-4-1 purposes. If you fly Jersey – Gatwick – Heathrow – XXXXX your taxes bill will be a lot lower. You cannot stopover in London for more than 24 hours or full APD is charged regardless.

Start your trip in Inverness. There is no APD out of Inverness.

There is also no APD out of Newquay which will add another option when the British Airways services start later in 2020.

In reality, none of these options make a lot sense for the majority of people.

I wrote this article recently about how to save Air Passenger Duty by starting your British Airways flight in Inverness.

Can I travel with an infant or book without my baby being born yet?

Yes. For infant (under 2) bookings you pay 10% of the Avios and 10% of the taxes of an adult passenger.

If your child is not yet born, book for the two adults and then call to add the baby when it has arrived and has a name!  These rules apply to standard Avios redemptions as well.

If I cancel my BA Amex card after earning the voucher, is it lost?

No, although the American Express call centre has a habit of telling people otherwise.

Evidence also shows that, if you cancel a 2-4-1 redemption ticket after cancelling your British Airways American Express card, you still get the voucher back.

If I downgrade from the Premium Plus to the free card after earning my voucher, do I retain the 2-year expiry period?


Can I change my class of travel if seats open up after I’ve booked?

Yes. Standard Avios change fees apply of £35 per person, plus of course the additional Avios and any additional taxes due. You may need to call BA to do this – I’m not sure if can handle this in conjunction with a 2-4-1.

Do you recommend the Premium Plus card over the free BA credit card if I want to use a 2-4-1 voucher?

Yes, absolutely.

There is no logical reason to earn the 2-4-1 voucher on the free British Airways American Express card.  This is why:

As I explained above, the two year validity of the Premium Plus 2-4-1 voucher is hugely valuable compared to the one year validity of the voucher on the free card

You earn an extra 0.5 Avios per £1 for your spending on the Premium Plus card (1.5 per £1 vs 1 per £1 on the free card) as well as double Avios on British Airways spending. This offsets much of the fee.

If you are capable of spending £20,000 on the free card to earn a 2-4-1 voucher, a far better strategy would be for you and your partner to get two Premium Plus cards and spend £10,000 each on those. You end up with two vouchers per year, each valid for 24 months, instead of one voucher per year valid for 12 months.

Alternatively, instead of spending £20,000 on the free card, you could spend £10,000 on the Premium Plus card and use your next £10,000 of spend to hit sign-up bonuses on other credit cards.

Uh oh. I have been working towards a 2-4-1 voucher on the free card and now realise my mistake. Can I upgrade to the Premium Plus card?

Yes, simply call American Express. Your card year remains the same. If you have already spent over £10,000 in this card year, your 2-4-1 voucher will be triggered immediately. You will NOT get a sign-up bonus for upgrading as bonuses are only given if you have not had either BA Amex card in the previous six months.

Is the British Airways American Express Avios 2-4-1 companion voucher for everyone?


It is easy to give the impression that the 2-4-1 is the greatest deal in the world. However, you still need to be able to generate a lot of Avios each year to take full advantage of it.

If you want to fly to the New York once a year in Club World on your 2-4-1, you still need to be able to generate 100,000 Avios per year (off-peak) on top of being able to spend the £10,000 on the card.

Of course, the 2-4-1 vouchers are also valid on short-haul flights. However, you are saving fewer Avios with your voucher that way and the £195 Premium Plus card fee may seem poorer value. I have in the past used vouchers to save 18,000 Avios on Club Europe flights and did not feel too bad about it.

The 2-4-1 voucher also implies that you have someone to travel with. If you are a solo traveller, it will not be any use at all.  I wrote this article on the pros and cons of using miles and points as a solo traveller.

You should also remember that Amex cards are not accepted everywhere, so spending £10,000 is not always as easy as it seems – although I run regular articles on Head for Points on ways of generating Amex spend more quickly.

Need more information on the British Airways Amex?

The official terms and conditions for using the voucher can be found via this page at It is interesting to note that the T&C’s still refer to the ‘Premium’ version of the card which was scrapped around 10 years ago, and which was a mix of the free and the Premium Plus card.

Further reading

You might find these Head for Points articles useful:

My full review of the free British Airways American Express card 

My full review of the British Airways Premium Plus American Express card 

“Why NO-ONE should spend £20,000 on the free British Airways American Express card” 

“Miles and points for the solo traveller – should you have a different collection strategy?” 

Disclaimer: Head for Points is a journalistic website. Nothing here should be construed as financial advice, and it is your own responsibility to ensure that any product is right for your circumstances. Recommendations are based primarily on the ability to earn miles and points. The site discusses products offered by lenders but is not a lender itself. Robert Burgess, trading as Head for Points, is regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as an independent credit broker.

How to earn Avios from UK credit cards

How to earn Avios from UK credit cards (January 2025)

As a reminder, there are various ways of earning Avios points from UK credit cards.  Many cards also have generous sign-up bonuses!

In February 2022, Barclaycard launched two exciting new Barclaycard Avios Mastercard cards with a bonus of up to 25,000 Avios. You can apply here.

You qualify for the bonus on these cards even if you have a British Airways American Express card:

Barclaycard Avios Plus card

Barclaycard Avios Plus Mastercard

Get 25,000 Avios for signing up and an upgrade voucher at £10,000 Read our full review

Barclaycard Avios card

Barclaycard Avios Mastercard

Get 5,000 Avios for signing up and an upgrade voucher at £20,000 Read our full review

There are two official British Airways American Express cards with attractive sign-up bonuses:

British Airways American Express Premium Plus

30,000 Avios and the famous annual 2-4-1 voucher Read our full review

British Airways American Express

5,000 Avios for signing up and an Economy 2-4-1 voucher for spending £15,000 Read our full review

You can also get generous sign-up bonuses by applying for American Express cards which earn Membership Rewards points. These points convert at 1:1 into Avios.

American Express Preferred Rewards Gold

Your best beginner’s card – 20,000 points, FREE for a year & four airport lounge passes Read our full review

The Platinum Card from American Express

50,000 bonus points and great travel benefits – for a large fee Read our full review

Run your own business?

We recommend Capital on Tap for limited companies. You earn 1 Avios per £1 which is impressive for a Visa card, and the standard card is FREE. Capital on Tap cards also have no FX fees.

Capital on Tap Visa

NO annual fee, NO FX fees and points worth 1 Avios per £1 Read our full review

Capital on Tap Pro Visa

10,500 points (=10,500 Avios) plus good benefits Read our full review

There is also a British Airways American Express card for small businesses:

British Airways American Express Accelerating Business

30,000 Avios sign-up bonus – plus annual bonuses of up to 30,000 Avios Read our full review

There are also generous bonuses on the two American Express Business cards, with the points converting at 1:1 into Avios. These cards are open to sole traders as well as limited companies.

American Express Business Platinum

50,000 points when you sign-up and an annual £200 Amex Travel credit Read our full review

American Express Business Gold

20,000 points sign-up bonus and FREE for a year Read our full review

Click here to read our detailed summary of all UK credit cards which earn Avios. This includes both personal and small business cards.

Comments (55)

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  • Luke Foster says:

    If my wife and I have both earned a voucher, can I make one booking for 4 members of the same household account? (Using both vouchers in the same booking). The main aim is to use my silver status for free seat selection for all 4 of us.

    • Mark Coulson says:


      My understanding is only if you book separately. I have the same thing, we have two separate Amex cards, both have earned a voucher each, but the Reward Voucher can only be booked by the Voucher holder, you can’t ‘pool’ the 2 vouchers into one household account and use them on one booking.

      So in effect, would require your Wife to book for Her + 1 child and you to do the same.


      • Anna says:

        Yes you have to make 2 separate bookings. I don’t know if BA would let you select all the seats if you called them?

  • Doug M says:

    All this does is make me miss the Lloyds Card and its voucher. That really was a great card.

  • PlaneSpeaking says:

    “Can I change my class of travel if seats open up after I’ve booked?

    Yes. Standard Avios change fees apply of £35 per person, plus of course the additional Avios and any additional taxes due. You may need to call BA to do this – I’m not sure if can handle this in conjunction with a 2-4-1.”

    Yes, you have to call BA as this can’t be done online with a 241. I booked CW to KUL last week hoping first would become available. It did a couple of days ago and whilst I couldn’t amend the booking online, I was able to call BA and they did it for me, plus the £35 pp change fee and additional Avios.

  • john says:

    for the retun journey do you need to use a companion voucher too? or just book it with avios and then they give you half the avios back the next day?

    • Anna says:

      If you’ve got enough Avios you can do this, but be aware you may have to pay a lot more in taxes/fees, especially if you’re travelling to the US.

    • PlaneSpeaking says:

      Hi John,

      You don’t need a separate 241 voucher as the one used for the outbound will still apply to the return. You can book the return online if you have enough Avios and call BA the next day to get a 50% refund of the Avios (but as Anna says, taxes for the US will be higher than they should be) or you can call a BA office at 1am and they’ll calculate the correct Avios and taxes. The question right now though is which office?!

  • Neil Donoghue says:

    Can I book an outbound today using a 241 for December 2020 and add the return flight in 4 months? I’m assuming as long as the return is added before I fly, it’s ok? Correct.

    • Doogie says:

      Yes that’s fine. IIRC it’s up to 24 hours before outbound flight that you need to book the inbound.

  • Adrian Turner says:

    Hi, I need to book x4 club to LAX for next July 2021. I am aware of the 355 day period before booking but I didn’t realise that I could book outbound only. How does this work when I telephone BA (USA) at midnight when only the outbound flight is available? Does BA simply hold these outbound flights & book an imaginary return date which can hopefully be changed at a later date? I have used the vouchers on many different occasions but never booked outbound only whilst waiting for the return flights to become available. Any help would be appreciated
    Thanks, Adrian Turner
    PS obvs using the BA premium card using x2 vouchers at once👍

    • Anna says:

      You are fine booking the outbound leg only, the companion voucher works for one-way bookings. It’s just a pain that booking the return separately requires BA intervention to avoid being charged too many Avios!

      • Anna says:

        You have to wait for inbound to be released, though, before you can book the return flights so you may want to have a couple of alternatives in case you can’t get 4 x LAX on the way back.
        Also be aware there is no guarantee that 4 CW seats will be released, only 2 per flight.

    • PlaneSpeaking says:


      Just to clarify, you don’t have to wait for the return flights to be released before booking the outbound. Call BA as you said (or book online) to book the outbound and then do the same again when the return seats are released. Either call BA and they’ll book or book online (at full price Avios) and call BA the next day for a 50% Avios refund. Also, if only 2 seats are released, book them when they’re available and book the other 2 if and when they’re released or search for alternative airports with more availability as Anna suggested.

  • Iain King says:

    Hi all. I came across this site while looking for ideas how I could reach the 20k target on ‘blue’ card in the next month (at 18k now). Now realising the error of my ways; any suggestions given that the horse has pretty much bolted? Upgrade to Platinum for a month to at least get the 10k one (but what would that actually cost with pro rata fees)? Though a previous poster said they only got a 1 year voucher when they did that so perhaps not worth it. Or stick with it for a month then upgrade; in which case my original question was whether buying gift vouchers was a sensible way to top up spend by a few 100 to hit target?

    • Rob says:

      It’s true that quite a few people seem to end up with a 1-year voucher if they are over £10k after upgrading to Premium Plus. People always say they will ask Amex to correct it. What I don’t know is whether the corrections get done or not.

      A one-month upgrade for £195/12 is worth it if you will fail to hit £20k though, especially as some – note, some – people get a random 6000 Avios for upgrading too.

      • paul says:

        just upgraded, got voucher with 2.5 years expiry even though over £10k spend

  • Ianmac says:

    (Just came in from the garden and brain still relaxed).

    Does it make any sense to buy Avios (at one of the bonus/discount offer periods) and then use these for redemption with a 2-4-1 voucher.
    (I’m thinking long haul CW flights – e.g. LA / Hong Kong etc)
    I’m now in semi-retirement so I can see my Avios pot depleting in a few years whilst still earning 2-4-1 vouchers but not flying (long haul) near as often (I was racking up 5,000+ BAEC tier points per year !)

    • Rob says:

      I would be wary at the moment, even at around 1p. If you’re in semi retirement you have a lot of flexibility when and where you travel. We may see excellent cash deals for the next couple of years which would a) be cheaper and b) not leave you tied in to Avios availabilty.

      If you look at the Sao Paulo deal I just posted, for eg, you are buying a ticket for little more than BA wants just for the taxes on an Avios ticket!

      • Ianmac says:

        Rob, thanks for the advice !
        I am in semi-retirement; unfortunately better half still working (schoolteacher) and tied to school holidays (at the moment …)

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