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The HfP exclusive discount at Ski Solutions is extended

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Earlier this month Ski Solutions decided to partner with us and offered our readers a 5% discount on ski holidays. This offer was meant to expire on 16th September, but Ski Solutions has decided to extend it for a few weeks.

If you missed the first mention of this offer, Ski Solutions is a ski holiday company, run by a regular HfP reader, with 30 years’ experience in arranging tailor-made ski holidays across Europe and North America.

Ski Solutions works with all the leading chalet, apartment and hotel operators. Selling ski holidays is all they do and their team claims a combined 280 years of collective experience in the sector.

Until 31st October you can benefit from early bird booking discounts with an extra 5% discount if you quote ‘headforpoints’ when booking.

The Ski Solutions website is here.

Comments (152)

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  • Max says:

    O/T I hae a question about AMEX Plat annual fee. I got my gold charge card in March and upgraded to Plat in June. So far annual fee has not been charged yet. I’ve read it here that it would probably be charged at the gold card anniversary. In that case, does the annual fee cover the period from June 2018 to 2019 or from Mar 2019 onward. For example, if I cancel the card after being charged annual fee, do I get refund for 3 months or full year.

    • TGLoyalty says:

      If it’s on your gold anniversary It will cover the 12 months after so should get a full refund.

      Tbh £450 for 2 years isn’t bad especially if you can max out the 180k referral

      • Genghis says:

        Or potentially more than 180k as it’s 90k per calendar year

        • Max says:

          Ah, I was just worried the £450 only cover up till June 2019. If it’s £450 for 3X 90K, it’s well worth keeping then. Thanks!

      • James says:

        Wow. Sadly I still get charged despite going this route 🙁

        This is if you manage to refer the maximum amount of people I presume. I sadly don’t have enough people around me who’d want the Platinum card 🙁

        Know how I can find folks who want a referral ?

        • Genghis says:

          Start a FF blog which produces good content?

        • Mark2 says:

          you get the 18,000 for referring someone to almost any Amex card

        • Bonglim says:

          RTS has it correct.

          Over the course of a year I might have:
          Amex platinum initially spending target hit after 2 months.
          SPG card (1) cancelled after hitting target in 1 month
          BAPP card (2) cancelled after hitting target in 2 months (*sometimes longer if i want 241card)
          partner referred for SPG card (3) cancelled after 1 month.
          partner referred for BAPP (4) card cancelled after hitting target in 2 months *
          Partner referred for Amex platinum (5) – cancelled my amex platinum – perhaps having had it for 8 months.

          Then my partner does exactly the same.

          Of course it depends on how much spending you can put through your card, but when you are really trying it gets easier. On a recent work dinner for 20 people, where everyone was paying themselves, I was in charge of organising it. Collecting the money – then using my card adds a big chunk to spending. I do the same for concert tickets, cinema tickets and recently booked airline tickets for family members and they reimbursed me. (I did give them the benefit of the trailfinders amex offer).

    • Mark says:

      has cross refer gone again?

  • Rash says:

    O/T mMy wife has a stay at a Kimpton next week. Can she add my IHG number to the booking ( I won’t be named and ideally don’t want to as its a work trip) or is it easier if I just register her to IHG and add her IHG number…

    • Rob says:

      Best to open her own account, sign her up for Accelerate and let her have her own account. Worse case scenario is that you use them for a 5k or 10k PointsBreak at some point or a 10k transfer into 2000 airline miles.

      • Alan says:

        Indeed, IHG have previously been pretty hot on closing accounts that they spot any misuse on so safer to have separate account for her.

  • James says:

    I think it is quite reasonable that BA should accept liability for the shipment costs involved in issuing a card to a UK Resident overseas given it was BA’s fault it was required and that they repeatedly stated no one would be left out of pocket.

    They should pay up and if they want to try to recoup the cost they should take it up with Stirling themselves.

  • Phil says:

    Ironic if the PAX who had to pay £60 for their replacement card to be sent overseas had flown there on BA.

  • James says:

    Unfortunately if BA get a huge GDPR fine it just means they’ll have less money to do anything to improve the CW cabin !!
    It’s not like the money’ll come from senior managements pay cheques, bonuses or pension contributions is it !!!!

    • Crafty says:

      Surely the board, which is beholden to shareholders, will hold responsible the directorate should an investigation show that the breach was in any way avoidable.

    • john says:

      Or there will be a GDPR element to YQ!

  • Richard G says:

    Completely off topic… but does anyone know if there is a way of getting Amex Travel to offer anything other than handbaggage only fares with Iceland Air?

    I want to make use of the travel offer from Amex, but buying additional baggage after I do the tickets means I’d end up saving nothing vs booking direct.

  • J says:

    LCY to MUC is a great addition for me – almost all my avios go to flying my family on the LHW-MUC route (which normally has a lot of avios seats available). But, I did a couple of searches for March and it was only showing 2 economy and 2 CE seats per flight. Is this normal for LCY flights, or can we expect more once it has bedded in?

    • Lady London says:

      quite possibly normal as it seems generally smaller planes are the only sort that can fly currently from LCY. so planes tend to be smaller typically 2+2 and overall fewer seats. it stands to reason that award seats offered on these will be fewer. And at LCY the demand is there from a very wealthy customer base. So less chance of award seats being made available at last minute.

      Just my guess… happy to be corrected.

    • Alex Sm says:

      Is LHW a new way to combine LHR and LGW in one portmanteau?

  • ant says:

    OT: my IHG account is showing that i need 18,000 points to make Spire which i can probably do with my spend on the credit card. How do i find out how long i have to do this spend before the points reset? I can’t find the renewal date anywhere on my account

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