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JDB 6,166 posts

Actually, I’d escalate to the ombudsman just for the comprehension failure

The FOS isn’t too interested in complaints that have become academic. What would the OP seek by way of remedy? It would also seem a very unwise move as although any decision (if they agree to take the case) would have no effect on other customers, it might cause Amex to reconsider the wording and stop these offers being cumulative. The wording on its own actually has an ambiguity and Amex leaves other parts of the offer out, and the context matters.

Amex has generally got more difficult about all these sorts of things and I’m afraid it’s somewhat understandable when you read the latest dump of Amex complaints at the FOS which show just how badly customers treat Amex and unsurprisingly they reciprocate. People are taking complaints to an actual Ombudsman – so the third or fourth level when the customer has faked documents so complained Amex has referred this to CIFAS, claims of large fraudulent transactions actually carried out by the cardholder. More than one of each in the last quarter. Then just complete trivia like the inability to make referrals, a claim that Amex took to long to consider an application so the cardholder was slightly too late booking reward flights wanting compensation = the list goes on and on. It’s not surprising there’s a complete breakdown of trust when so many customers are taking the p*ss.

It’s not so long ago that Amex would fix offers that hadn’t worked right away. It’s very clear why they no longer do and dodgy customers can be thanked for that.

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