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  • cin3 230 posts

    Can you buy amazon, etc gift cards at Sainsbury’s using Nectar for payment?

    Not with Nectar, only with Sainsbury’s gift cards.

    What about Sainsbury nectar vouchers which seem similar to gift cards?

    zapato1060 844 posts

    Hi I’m aware of topgiftcards, hyperjar, jamdoughnut and workperks? But does anyone else know of other gift card sites that give a % back?! TIA

    Rui N. 1,020 posts


    Cranzle 333 posts

    Do any of these take American Express?

    Alex 58 posts

    Topgiftcards do but for many giftcards their cashback rates are low

    zapato1060 844 posts

    Do any of these take American Express?

    Workperks, topgiftcards, hyperjar do. There are some that will not accept credit cards period like Morrisons on workperks but I do curve/Barclays avios on that.

    @Rui Will try swippi thanks.

    zapato1060 844 posts

    Did swippi used to be good? Very poor %s compared to workperks and even hyperjar, both who give actual £ back not these v£. Or I’m I missing something?

    Rui N. 1,020 posts

    Swiipi used to be better (10% off, now only 7%). You DON’T use the cashback function. You deposit money, and it gives you an additional 7%. Then you go and buy the gift card.
    They used to have Amazon as well, but not any longer. I buy Sainsbury’s gift cards and then buy Amazon gift cards in store (also getting Nectar).

    Alesio 30 posts

    Swiipi is a bit hit and miss for me – had an initial good experience and then thought lets try a big amount and lo and behold thats where the troubles began tried to withdraw the money back from my swipii my account as it just wasnt playing ball when trying to generate a retailer GC via their platform. Ended up having to claim a chargeback via Amex as their T&Cs claimed it should have been deposited back to my nominated account earlier.

    Rui N. 1,020 posts

    Funny enough, since they stopped allowing Amex to buy balance it seems to work much better. Never had any trouble in the last few months, after a few teething issues when I started using it (I reported some issues here back then).

    redethernet1 107 posts

    is it possible to add the gc into apple pay, i pressed the button but nothing happened
    dont even know how to reaccess it

    PeteM 920 posts

    Anyone else struggling to buy other gift cards with Sainsbury’s gift cards at Sainsbury’s?

    BBbetter 1,252 posts

    is it possible to add the gc into apple pay, i pressed the button but nothing happened
    dont even know how to reaccess it

    Some gift cards can be added to apple pay. Those sold by corporate perks websites have a QR code. After you activate the card, scan the QR code and apple pay will recognise it. It even updates the balance in real time!

    Rui N. 1,020 posts

    You can no longer buy gift cards at Sainsbury’s while paying with a Sainsbury’s gift card, so no luck with buying the later with a discount on Swiipi to get the former

    PeteM 920 posts

    You can no longer buy gift cards at Sainsbury’s while paying with a Sainsbury’s gift card, so no luck with buying the later with a discount on Swiipi to get the former

    Ah, I feared as much! This is a pretty recent thing, right?

    BLT 65 posts

    You can no longer buy gift cards at Sainsbury’s while paying with a Sainsbury’s gift card, so no luck with buying the later with a discount on Swiipi to get the former

    Ah, I feared as much! This is a pretty recent thing, right?

    Worked fine on Tuesday, but wasn’t working Wednesday!

    Rui N. 1,020 posts

    Worked last Saturday didn’t work yesterday.
    Hard coded on the self checkout register, allowed me to pay normal shopping with Sainsbury’s gift card, but not the Amazon gift card I was trying to buy

    PeteM 920 posts

    Pity! Any ideas to replace them with what’s available on Swipii?

    Rui N. 1,020 posts

    Not that I know of 🙁

    andiron 85 posts

    Other markets probably still work.. Asda, Morrisons?
    But yeah, Amazon is becoming quite hard to obtain below value price.

    laughingplace 43 posts

    Damn, that’s a real pain. I put quite a lot through sainsbury’s to buy other gcs.

    I don’t think you can buy gcs with a gc at Tesco either right?

    PeteM 920 posts

    Damn, that’s a real pain. I put quite a lot through sainsbury’s to buy other gcs.

    I don’t think you can buy gcs with a gc at Tesco either right?

    Same! The interweb seems to suggest the Tesco route doesn’t work (and I have always found their IT way sharper than Sainsbury’s’) but I haven’t tried myself.

    InsiderFly 13 posts

    Mine seems to only have a 7% uplift, weird!

    Rui N. 1,020 posts

    Yes, it’s 7% now. It changed a few months ago.

    zapato1060 844 posts

    My Morrisons workperk was lowered a month or so to 4% so used Amazon effectively yesterday. Might be the only place left now. Saying that, it was mentioned that not only have Morrisons gcs stopped being accepted at fuel pumps but if I understood correctly it seems they will now not be able to be used in normal shopping aswell as per becleverwithcash in a few months.

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